in Project HOPE3 years ago

Asides from having a basic job, a side hustle is another great consideration that we need to have, this is probably no news because a lot of people now understand the need of having a side hustle and how this side hustles can save them from problems and difficulties. However, it is also common to see people going about side hustles from a wrong approach.

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Common reasons why people look for side hustles.

People look for side hustles in order to have more income to meet their everyday requirements, asides from the money coming in from usual jobs, side hustles seem to be a very good avenue to make extra income and have more needs meet.

People also look for side hustles because they have plans to quit their jobs in the nearest future and a good side hustle will help them have more savings whilst they work out the plans on how they can quit their jobs and build their desire of a business or a lifestyle.

These and many other reasons are the reason why people want to pick up side hustle and it is a very good approach in my own opinion but in order to be sure that these side hustles are not just a waste of time, there are careful considerations that we need to follow and come to terms with.

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Considerations for a perfect side hustle.

Like I have mentioned before, in order for a side hustle to fulfil its purpose then it needs to be smart and be able to meet need for which it was created and for that to happen, we need to have followed the basic guidelines required to have a smart side hustle.

Carrying out a proper market research before jumping into a side hustle is the very first thing to consider, there is no guess work as to if a product or side hustle is going to be perfect or not, but with a properly carried out market research, it is easy to point out if it is a good idea to go ahead with such side hustle or if it is just going to be a drastic error.

For any side hustles, the total cost price needs to be carefully calculated while looking at the possible profit that could be made you also need to calculate the price of every cost and the unexpected miscellaneous.

Consider the tax payment options, know that the government will take their portion of benefits from your side hustle so from the moment you start, get the required knowledge and then save money in order to get prepared for the government whenever they show up.


What is your own side hustle?

Cleaning is a side hustle for me, what about you?

I do mystery shopping sometimes.

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