Lessons Mentioned by Elon Musk to Keep in Mind While Building a Company.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

I am a very young fine individual who is highly desirous of success, trying to fight through the extremely bad and stressful educational system in my country and having the determination to make it to the top regardless of the setbacks made available.

I was watching a video by Elon this afternoon and I was learning so much from it that I decided to draw out my writing pad to take note, this man has no doubt attained a certain type of success that is physical and highly remarkable I believe learning from a man like this is a good thing to do. According to Elon, he said that while building a company it is very important to work with great people and to me greatness is not by how much financial capacity you have but by the contribution you have to make.

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A lot of people on project.hope are people who like to write about business so I believe this point will be very useful, in the process of trying to develop your company, it is important to ensure that the people whom you surround your business with are those people who are great and have a good mind-set that will help that organization grow.

This great man also pointed out that it was important to focus less on noise and in turn focus on what will make the company grow and what the people need, if what you are doing has no profitable way to meet the needs of the company then you should stop doing it but on the other hand it is a task that will make the produced product come out in a better shape and form, then it is a brilliant idea.

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Another very important point mentioned by Elon is the fact that it might be tempting to follow the trend while building your company but building a successful company calls for having a vision and following the vision to the latter, not every trendy thing might be good for the growth and success of the company that you are trying to build and it is an important point to differentiate between the trend and what is good for you, the noise of a flashy item should not make you change your goals and plans for your business but just continue to try to build that business instead.

The past few week have been extremely stressful for me but I have hopes that everything will end well and you should too. Thanks for reading my post have a great and relaxed evening.


His points are great but I believe they might not be applicable to all industries especially in the aspect of not following trends. There's a reason why there is now instagram reels , that's because they saw people love the tiktok trend and they used it to bring more people back in to instagram.

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