What will happen to the cryptos?

in Project HOPE11 months ago


Greetings friends of the Project Hope community, today I want to talk about a topic that has always generated many questions in me, it is not only regarding the fears of many Banking or Financial Companies that promote fear of investments in cryptocurrencies.

When we review history, we can compare those moments in which paper money was created to replace the use of coins or to avoid moving with very high amounts of coins, so that paper money generated many doubts and controversies, even because many banks falsified their paper money, we must remember that each bank generated its own banknotes or paper money, we are seeing something similar with the existence of multiple cryptocurrencies today, however the fear that said expressions on paper would not have the security of be exchanged for real money either by counterfeiters or by the bank's inability to settle payments by virtue of issuing more paper money than they could guarantee. With all the aforementioned inconveniences, it led to the creation of regulatory laws by the countries themselves, the creation of central banks and the issuance of paper money through the governments of each country. Being that each country was who would be in charge of issuing the currency that could circulate in each territory or country. Today with so many cryptocurrencies we begin to see how many countries, as we can remember last year we had the experience with the United States and now this year with Europe. It is the Governments or economic blocks such as the European Economic Community, who are generating new regulations for banks that use transactions with cryptocurrencies. Clearly, history repeats itself, it is not always the same, but the bases with which those circumstances of regularization of paper money were generated can be repeated today, I am convinced that the world will move towards the use of cryptocurrencies, but equally In this way, I am also convinced that many cryptocurrencies will disappear, either due to the many scams as well as insecurities in investments or even because they can be absorbed by a regulation that orders their unification.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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