Studying Like A Student

in Project HOPE3 months ago (edited)

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The reason why many people aren't making as much progress in life as they should, is because they stopped actively studying too early. Most people did not read any book, after they concluded their tertiary education. And that's exactly where they missed it.

If you want to be very successful in life, studying never ends, it's a continuous process. And you have to keep at it - everyday improving yourself as if you're going for a competition. Another big problem with lots of people is that they aren't as competitive as they should be.

When you make it a point of duty to study continuously like you're a student in life - success will most definitely be your reward. The fact is that, if you see someone who is doing better than you in your line of business, then he knows something that you probably don't.

In that regard, it will be very helpful for you to make friends with people who are doing way better than you - because you can learn one or two things from them. And whenever you want to continuously learn and improve yourself - that's when you always exceed your limitations in life.

You end up doing much more than you ever imagined was possible, because you never stopped learning. While other people stopped being a student in life, you continued learning like the greatest minds; hence you're always a student who keeps on learning and growing exponentially.

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