Think Big And Expand

in Project HOPE2 months ago

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When you think about life and how businessmen arrived at huge success, you'll notice one come thread. These successful businessmen all thought big, and they were all about expansion of their business continuously, with lots of efforts.

There are others who just think big, but do not make physical efforts to expand themselves mentally, physically, intellectually, or financially. You must understand that thinking big, isn't the same as wishful thinking - where people just day dream without any plan.

Take a look at the biggest businesses, they have road maps for the things that they want to achieve in the future. It's this ability to think big, and work enormously to expand yourself - that creates the difference between those who make it, and those who don't.

A mistake that young businessmen make is thinking that expansion happens over night. But that's seldom the case. Whenever you start thinking big, and working hard to expand yourself; these expansions will become evident in a short time, but perhaps not instantly.

Thinking big is like sowing a seed, and working hard to expand it - is like watering it and nurturing it. And by thinking big, and doing the hard work consistently to expand your business, you'll tend to always reap the good fruits for all your efforts.

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