Tokenisation of gold to cushion market volatilitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


Digital currencies worth billions of dollars are transferred across multiple exchanges everyday. Although some big exchanges provide fiat pairs for trading, most other exchanges only offer crypto-crypto trading pairs. The major reason for this is because providing fiat trading pairs involve an extensive time and resources for clearing regulatory protocols. Since the creation of the first cryptocurrency, the market is expanding exponentially, with numerous tokens and coins being listed on exchanges daily. Also, the crypto market is a very volatile space. And the happenings of the centralised markets such as the global stock market easily affect the performance of the crypto market. Often times making the coins to witness massive loss in value and price.

What Are Stable Coins

In crypto market, stable coins play a very significant role acting as the bridge or gateway for both crypto-crypto and crypto-fiat pairs. Stablecoins also act as a shield against the volatility of the cryptocurrency market


In order to overcome the volatility of the market and to offer real solution to the problem of delays caused by traditional regulations in providing fiat-crypto pairs, vast majority of exchanges now offer Stablecoin trading pairs. This practice is particularly common with big exchanges have have heavy daily trading volumes.

Generally, Stable coins are the kind of cryptocurrencies that are typically pegged to $1. What this means is that; the value of a stable coin is positioned to have the same value of a dollar. As an advantage, stablecoins allow people to trade any cryptocurrency for a dollar equivalent without having to use a real dollar. This also help crypto exchanges to avoid all the regulatory clearances and protocols involved in setting up an actual fiat trading pair for traders.

Tokenized Gold

Since long ago, gold has been used for tenders and exchange of value. With passing decades, people begin to adopt note or paper currencies. Paper notes offers convenience and ease. Notes can easily be transported than gold coins. However, even with the huge technological advancements, we still have the challenge where most countries around the globe issue complete fiat currencies that are not backed by any stable form value except people’s credibility in the government printing them.


Aureus Nummus solves the challenge of fiat currencies while maintaining the ease of value transfer. This new gold backed coin follows the age-old concept of value-backed currencies. However, as the gold is represented by ANG coin, a means to transfer gold value through tokenisation becomes possible. Hence, ANG coin is one of the few non-fiat currencies on Earth.

While counties around the world may be careful in considering the role such a new cryptocurrency can serve, the crypto markets is eager and primed to the massive benefits of the ANG gold coin.

Unlike the existing stable coins that are placed on the value of fiats, gold coin is backed by one of the most precious assets. The interesting thing about the ANG gold coin is that; it will be immune to political changes, which will ensure that it can easily be paired against many coins for trading without any disruption.

ANG coin will provide blockchain enabled transparency over the assets backing the circulation. As existing stable coins, including Tether, face scrutiny over its backing, this will be a pioneering step ensuring a stable coin’s backing is easily under the public eye at any point.


ANG coin is transforming the age-old value storage of gold into a modern utility by tokenizing it. One of the most important benefits of the ANG coin will be exploited by easily placing trading pairs with it.




I think Gold will be a good place to start, and soon silver, palladium and platinum could offer alternatives as scarcity drives prices to the peak and people look for value with more upside.

I think that this is only the beginning we could see stable coins based on things like company value, mortgage bonds/debt and more. You could even buy into a mixed back tranche, there's plenty of ways to slice this.

 4 years ago 

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