Why You Should Avoid Debt

in Project HOPE2 months ago

It is another wonderful time to bring to you guys another Amazing series on today's topic series about wealth and Finances. One of the things that can really make life so stressful and tiring is when one really have a dead finances.

What do I really mean by a dead finances? I mean when even if you are working and making some little bits of income, it actually looks like your income is not enough to cater your needs and it seems daily you are in lacks and wants and always trying to meet needs. I have been there before and I must say it is not a wonderful experience. In fact according to my own finding, I have actually come to discover that a whole lot of marriages that has issues is because of finances.


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A whole lot of depression cases that we have outside in our society today is because of finances and one of the reason is debt. Debt is something that the temptation we can not overcome daily in our living on this earth but the truth is we can actually live with it. I have actually come to discover that things are not working well and it might looks like it is because of one spiritual forces or something but that is not actually the truth.

One of the principles of debt is the more you borrow, the more you are addicted to borrowing. So many of us that actually borrow, one of the reason we always use to console ourselves is the fact that we always say we are pushed to the wall. But wait a minute, if we should look into it carefully, no matter how you are pushed to the wall, you can still resist the temptation of borrowing.

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I am talking from my experience actually today about one of the things that really limit me so much last year even to the point that there are some things I really wished I want to do but I find myself not able to do it at the end of the year. Instead I actually keep servicing the loans and the debt. Before I know, in 2 years, I am still even in the debts. I tried so much but I keep finding myself in the debts. There are a whole lot of things I wish I have done but I wasn't able to do it financially.

Let me actually tell someone today that your finances will continue to be limited if you are actually living a life of debts. For someone reading this post and asking how can I actually come out of this debt. Let me actually tell you that is actually so simple. All you really have to do first of all is to have the mindset that you don't want to borrow any longer.

Mindset always goes a long way in changing things. The moment you have the mindset that you don't want to live your life in debt any longer, it is now easy for you to put some structures in place. Try to disciples yourself that no matter what comes your way that might demand you to borrow, you will not borrow. Trust me that is one of the ways you can actually escape debt.

Who is Mandate?

Mandate is by name Adeniji Adeshina, a student of Civil and Environmental Engineering from Kwara State University. I hail from Mopamuro Kogi state Nigeria


I am a lover of all genre which I always love to explore including Photography, Finances, Mind, Spirituality, writing, and many more as far as knowledge dwells into.

I am welcome to all, interested in many and friends with all available.

Once again I am Adeniji Adeshina @mandate by username

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 2 months ago 

Great to see you again @mandate

To certain degree you have a good point. I would agree that we should avoid debt for consumption. However, there are number of debts that can be 'healthy'.

Even morgage is nothing but a debt. However, paying for rent may be often not the best solution as we would never ever own our own property.

Also raising funds or borrowing money to launch a startup may be a necessary risk we may need to take, believing that we will use those borrowed money to make even more $$$.
As long as we avoid "eating" borrowed money.

Cheers, Piotr

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr

Yeah thank you for stopping by also. I have really been away from Steemit for a long period of time but now I am back finally.

I don't always believe in borrowing to actually fund our business because it really have risk.
Thank you so much for dropping this quality comment

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