in Project HOPE3 years ago

This thing called success is not really as difficult as we take it to be, sometimes it may just be a few decision that needs to be made in order to attain the height of success that we want, success is a really big factor in the game of life and often we just need to make a little bit of sacrifice in order to make things work out well.


That dream job or contract that you really admire was probably gotten by your opponent not because of his competence but because of his charisma, the ability to present one’s self in a confident way often makes a big difference in the process of life selection.

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Stay away from procrastination.

Procrastination is a serious destroyer of dreams, it is common for our body to feel weak and unable to do anything sometimes but giving in to that weakness of the body makes our dreams delayed and unachievable but when we are able to get rid of the laziness and we put our heart to work immediately we will attain a better result at the end of the day.

Wasting time on the same approach.

Having a particular approach to solving a problem in mind and constantly repeating that approach over and over again even if it keeps giving the same result is a total waste of time, when an approach has been tried a couple of times and it continues to give the same result, just know that it is time to move on and try something else.

Not everything will work itself out.

We are quick to believe that everything will get sorted out soon and just relax hoping that everything will be fine at the end of the day but in reality it does not happen that way, everything will not just be fine except we work towards making it fine.

Think well before saying yes.

There has to be a deep thought before we make commitment to a certain thing, we need to learn how to say yes when the right time comes for a task and no when it is a wrong thing to do, accepting every task that comes your way does not make you a champion, there has to be a deep reflection before we decide on giving either a negative or positive response to anything.

Always trying to blame other people.

It is easy to want to blame other people for everything that happens to us in life, blaming people all the time makes it obvious that we are not ready for a change and that certainly is a serious call for failure and setbacks. It is mandatory for us to take responsibility for our actions and then learn how to face the facts that may occur.


Hello @ojerinde.

Our habits should be as optimal as possible in relation to the success we intend to achieve, for example if our habits make us waste time, we may not reach our established goals.

Greetings and thank you for sharing valuable information with the Project hope community.

Hello @ojerinde
It’s true, habits are the main step to be succesful. We can’t reach anything if we’re disorganize and insecure, so we have to improve ourselves as humans and to draw strength from wherever we can to overcome our goals. I really liked the tips that you gave here, greetings!

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