What it takes to break free from the region of poverty.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

So many people who have an extremely poor beginning always just want to look for a way to break loose from the chain of poverty, (well maybe not everyone there) because some people who fall within this category just simply take it as a lifestyle and then they look for a way to grow and live around it, the other set of individuals who want to break loose from the chain always try their best every day to break out of it.

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Based on proper research done by some intelligent people, through this post I will simply like to highlight the very simple strategies by which people can break free from a point of mental poverty.

The very first way is by getting the right education, those who know less are the ones who are very vulnerable and easily manipulated but with those who know more, it is really difficult to manipulate their minds. The concept of getting educated definitely goes beyond what the school system is able to offer, it runs deep into looking for ways to always get yourself enlightened about life, about finance and other very vital topics.

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Learning a relevant skill that people are willing to pay for is a good way to level up from the circle of poverty, people who have groomed themselves enough for a good skill are usually highly sought after and not the other way around. A good skill has to be developed and worked upon all the time, never get too comfortable with just the little knowledge that you have, that knowledge needs to be developed.

There are a lot of things that pollute our mind set, the type of mind set we develop and decide to hold unto however has so much to say about what eventually becomes of us. Holding up to a mind-set that we have the capacity to leave the class of poor people and rise to the top is actually a strong factor needed for this transformation to occur.

Do not expect any special treatment on this path, that you have been through so much hitches in life does not mean that anyone will take it easy on you, you have to fight for what you want, you have to stay up for extra hours in order to get something better if need be. The feeling of entitlement is going to keep you stagnated and retarded for a very long time, instead give in the extra energy and the extra sacrifice to get what you desire.


Fascinating approach. I agree, thank you very much for sharing.

Thank you for reading.

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