My Easter Sunday Recipe "Lechon Kawali" by @maris75

in Steemit Iron Chef2 months ago


Happy Easter Sunday everyone!

Today not just an ordinary Sunday, as we celebrate an Easter Sunday. It's a big feast for us Christians. So Early in the morning, we go to church first for the special ceremony in the church. Then the 2nd exciting moment is to prepare our favorite food on the table.

For now I decided to prepare "Lechon Kawali" since it's our favorite. It is very common delicious dish in our country. We had fasting few days ago, so now we are excited to eat this delicious food.


Before frying it, I boiled it first with a pine apple juice to make it more tasty and delicious. I just didn't over fry it so that I could taste the juicy meat. It was delicious, we are fulled and we enjoyed our lunch.


Thanks God for the blessings! @maris75


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