Abstraction of Music

in STEEM CN/中文last year


Music is an art form that has the power to move us, inspire us, and even make us feel different emotions. But have you ever stopped to think about what music actually is, and how it's made?

At its most basic level, music is a combination of sounds arranged in a specific way. These sounds can be produced by instruments, voices, or even everyday objects like pots and pans. And just like how we use letters to form words, musicians use musical notes to create melodies and rhythms.

But what do we mean by musical notes? Imagine a piano. Each key on the piano produces a different sound, or pitch. These pitches are assigned letters from A to G, and they repeat in a pattern throughout the keyboard. For example, the white key to the right of the set of two black keys is called C, while the white key to the left of the set of two black keys is called B.

In addition to pitches, notes also have a specific duration, or length. A whole note, for example, is held for four beats, while a half note is held for two beats. These durations help to create the rhythm of a piece of music.

Now, let's talk about how these notes and rhythms are combined to create a melody. A melody is a series of pitches played in a specific order, with specific rhythms. For example, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" is a melody that uses six different notes and a simple rhythm to create a memorable tune.

But music isn't just about melodies. It's also about harmony, which is the combination of multiple pitches played at the same time. Harmony is what creates the rich, full sound of a choir singing together or a band playing a song.

Finally, we come to the concept of abstraction in music. Abstraction is the idea of taking something complex and breaking it down into simpler parts. In music, this can be seen in the way that melodies, harmonies, and rhythms are combined to create a song. Each part may be simple on its own, but when they're combined in just the right way, they create something greater than the sum of their parts.

So, in summary, music is a combination of sounds arranged in specific ways, using notes to create melodies and rhythms. Harmony adds depth and richness to the music, while abstraction allows us to break down complex pieces into simpler parts. By understanding these basic concepts, even a child can begin to appreciate the beauty and complexity of music.


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