SEC-S17W2- "Homeless people in my country ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos2 months ago

Hello, my Steemit family how are you all doing? Trust you are all doing well. I am happy to participate in this week's contest.

Thank you, Scouts and friends, for this sensitive topic "Homeless people in my country". This is a major problem in many countries, which if not well managed causes a nuisance to society.

Homeless people are people who have been displaced and do not have a permanent residence, these people lack proper health care, are exposed to severe weather conditions, lack food and some of them turn out to terrorise society.


Are there homeless people in your country?

There are homeless people in my country, you can find these people in busy areas where they beg for food and money during the day and it mostly consists of mothers and children. I Keep wondering where the fathers of these children are. I have come to realise that some of those children were birthed out of abuse and rape these homeless women encounter

What do you think is the cause that leads these people to be on the street, homeless and without a family?

These homeless people are forced to be on the street when they are unemployed, in poverty, and when war destroys their homes. At that point, they sleep in the streets exposing them to danger, violence, infectious diseases, colds and other chronic conditions.

Some people leave their homes when they are not accepted in their homes. I have seen a young person who left his home to sleep in the street to avoid his parents scolding.

Not forgeting is the issue on natural disasters and insecurity concerns in my country. There are issues of flooding and erosion that has chased people from their homes after wantom destruction of properties. These leave abject poverty and homeless.


Has the government tried to try or create decent shelters to help these people?

In my country, the government created a shelter called the IDP ( Internally Displaced Person) Camp. Here the homeless people are provided with Clothes, Food, and toiletries and taken care of for some time before they return to their homes.

In the shelter camp provided by the government, the homeless persons are been taught skills that will sustain and help them start-up life.

What could you propose so that these people do not remain in this dark world?

Government should create more job opportunities, the welfare of the people should constantly be in check and houses should be built and given out at affordable rates

These homeless people should be taught skills by the government and individuals so they can earn and foot their bills and take good care of themselves and their families.

I want to invite @rossnenye, @hisgeneral and @eveetim


Thank you, friend!
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Greeting my friend,

It's sounds great initiative by your government to provide support to internally displaced persons (IDPs) through the shelter camp! It's wonderful that they're not only providing basic necessities like food, clothe but also skills training to help them become self-sufficient. It's really needed in our country.



Es muy fácil tomar la postura de criticar a una persona que pasa por una situación de vivir en la calle. Sin embargo, muchas veces esas criticas son expresadas sin saber el motivo real del ¿Por que sucede esto?

Mencionas algunas cosas que me llamaron mucho la atención.

Cuando una mujer es obligada a vivir en la calle mendigando junto a su hijo ya que el padre de ese ser fue incapaz de asumir la responsabilidad de sus actos. ¿Es algo normal?

Esto debido que ese niño en la calle puede ser fruto de un abuso sexual o de que el padre consiguió otra pareja y mas fácil fue abandonar la que tenia.

otro cao que mencionas es el desplazamiento obligado de muchas personas a causa de un conflicto bélico, interno o externo, que lleva a dichas personas a tener que vivir en las calles de otra ciudad mendigando o delinquiendo para poder subsistir.

Es por ello que siempre he considerado que son muchos los factores que llevan a una persona a vivir en la calle y es primordialmente importante el saber que motivos existen detrás de esa persona para llegar a ese estado antes de dar opiniones que carecen de sustento.

Empatía, una acción que muchos han abolido.

Buena publicación.

Hasta la próxima...

There is always a reason for people being homeless. The government and individuals need to hear these homeless persons out and find a way to solve their problems.
Thank you for finding importance in my post. Best of luck.

The case of natural disasters like flood, hurricane, earthquake etc has caused a lot of people to be homeless, leaving their homes due to destruction by any if these factors.

It's not easy leaving your home to live in IDP camps like you have stated, our government and non-governmental organisations are trying to provide them with food and shelter.

It's pathetic that some of them whom you see mostly women would have lost their husbands in the course of the events.

Nicely written my friend, thanks for inviting me.

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