SEC-S17W6: Saving humanity


Source- Canva

Hey everyone today I am here to participate in this contest and share my thoughts on diseases that i choose to eradicate. In this article i will share some personal story related to disease. So lets start.

If I were to have power to wipe out any one of those diseases, then without any single thought I will pick cancer to disappear. It is a really a scary word and for a good reason, this is. It exerts pressure on us from the family, weakens us financially and snatches our dreams. Just like my friend's dad, who battled the blood cancer so bravely.


Source- pixabay

My close friend's dad fought a lot of battles with cancer, even they had to sell their property for the treatment. Finally, his memory had vanished and he didn't even recognize his family and he didn't even able to communicate. Then, he died from it. It is a dangerous disease, and the world would be a better place without it.

This isn't a single story . It seems to me a story so often that it's a story that is repeated far too often. Cancer, in most of the families, leaves behind a big mark of devastation which keeps on growing as a result of the destruction. A world without this disease would be a world that has been completely reorganized.

Picture a world without the lesson learned from that. The absence of endless goodbyes due to cancer, the absence of the mountains of medical bills and the fear of losing someone too soon, are the benefits that come from a successful cancer treatment. It would be amazing.


Source- Canva

Instead of spending so much money on the wrong cause, more money could be put into things that would benefit everyone, such as improved check-ups and treatments for other diseases. Also, the wonderful things that are discovered while struggling with cancer could be a key to curing other diseases!

For sure, things would be flawless but, it's not possible. We might live longer which will make the population more crowded and some people find strength from combating cancer.


Source- Canva

Nevertheless, the world with a huge reduction in cancer would anyway be great. It wouldn't be that of a thing to be eradicated, but it would be easier to cope with and much less intimidating.

That is the future that we should campaign for. Through the support of research and the early examination, we will make that future a reality.

That’s all about my today entry for this contest . I would like to invite some of my friends @pea07 , @goodybest and @wilmer1988 to take part in this wonderful theme .

Thank you


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@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 28 days ago (edited)

Hola amigo...las historias de personas conocidas con cáncer son muchísimas, y lamentablemente hoy en día se ven mucho más. Esperemos que algún día puedan encontrar la cura.

Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

 28 days ago 

Saludos @deepak94.

Esta historia que nos compartes refleja el desgaste , el esfuerzo y las esperanza de quienes luchan día a día para vencer el cáncer y es que es una enfermedad terrible que daña todo a su paso y deja huellas que son imborrables en todas las personas que están de una u otra forma involucradas en este proceso, por eso seria muy bueno el poder erradicarlo y acabar con todo el dolor que causa.

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