SEC-S13W6- "A Christmas Story."

in Scouts y sus Amigos6 months ago


Warm greetings to all my friends in the house!

Christmas has always been a beautiful day to celebrate, as it marks the birth day of our lord Jesus Chris. Every Christmas comes with a beautiful story, and I'm here to share one with you

Coming of the first born

The long awaited day has come. How long could the family have continued waiting for the arrival of their first first fruit? It has been 2 years since he has left, and the family has long been missing him. The last Christmas celebration was not funny enough as the family first born was not present.

To God be the glory, here he is again in the country to celebrate Christmas with the family. He always remind us of how much he loves to come back to NIGERIA and dine with the entire family. Thanks for Christmas break that has made it possible for him to be here again.

This time around, grand mum won't complain about boring Christmas since her son is here with her favorite Bottle of Wine and many other beautiful things for her to enjoy. From all indication, her first son is keeping his promises of making grand mum enjoy her old age before she depart to be with the lord Jesus.


On the Christmas Eve, almost all the children in the village gather at night, each of the them holding something that was shining so bright like a morning star ✨ . It was indeed beautiful. They were going house to house singing a Christmas song that says

Mary born child, Jesus Chris was born on Christmas day.

When they reach our house, my grand mum went into her room and brought out new Naira note and gave to each of them as they depart out house for another. It was indeed a beautiful day in the village, as everyone was happy and preparing for Christmas tomorrow.


It was dawn, and a Christmas day. Before going to church, all the family members gathered together to celebrate and dine together. The dining table looked different that morning, as it was decorated with beautiful Christmas trees 🎄.

While we were still eating, the last child of the family who was 5 years brought out a toy and said to grand mum " This is my Christmas Gift for you." the toy was looking amazing. I wondered how he made it. Although I always know him to be creative. On the toy, he wrote My reindeer.

It was indeed a beautiful morning with the family. After the church program, e the family went on a picnic in one of the game reserves in Kaduna. There we saw different wild animals, climbed horses, swim, ride on toy cars, and many more. It was indeed a day to remember.

I invite @yakspeace, @josepha, and @ruthjoe to participate.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amiga.

Es una gran y bonita historia de reunión familiar esperando la llegada del primogénito.
La Navidad es la época propicia para los reencuentros familiares y más cuando es con personas que tanto queremos y anhelamos que regresen a casa.

En esta época regresar a casa es la mayor bendición que puede recibir no solo quien regresa sino también quienes los reciben, porque nos llena el corazón de alegría ver volver a los nuestros que por alguna razón han estado lejos durante todo el año.

Fue un gusto disfrutar de tu cuento de Navidad, buena suerte.


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