SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials"

in Scouts y sus Amigos27 days ago

Greetings dear friends,
It's week 4 in the Steemit engagement challenge for season 17 and I'm delighted to share my participation in this week's challenge which is titled Extraterrestrials. This is indeed a great topic to look into and I'm glad that I will be sharing my view on it.



Do you believe that extraterrestrials exist?


Extraterrestrials talk about life outside the earth this means that apart from the earth, there is a place where life exists and there are people or different elements that live in that part of the world that is not the earth.

I don't have sufficient knowledge to know if there exists another place where life exists aside from the earth but from the little I know and a few movies I have watched, the scientists have claimed that indeed there is another where life exists and this is where those we call aliens live.

Over time I have watched movies that are science fiction and the message they try to pass to us from these movies is that other beings are different from us and they are called aliens and they have their planet as well where they live.

If this assertion is true then I believe in Extraterrestrials. However, my belief is in doubt because I haven't seen it yet and no concrete evidence to prove that such exists.


Do you know of anyone who claims to have seen them?


I don't know of anyone who has claimed to see them before. As I have said earlier I only watched it in movies which means that scientists over the years have done their research and come up with the theory that these persons exist and that is why they try to communicate to us who have not reached the level of their studies through the movie we watch.


The movies are messages that these people try to pass on to the world. So I guess those who claimed that these persons exist are the scientists though I haven't seen any proof first but I guess with time and with more research we will know if they exist or if it's just an imagination.

So for this question above, I don't know anyone who has claimed to have seen this person before, and for that reason, I see it as an imagination.


What do you think of those who claim that they have always been here and have helped mankind? Give examples.


It is possible that they have always been here and that they have also helped mankind on different occasions. There is this movie I watched recently though I have forgotten the title but according to the movie, the Aliens 👽 came to earth from their inhabitants and they coexist with humans.


So from the movie, I saw how the aliens and men lived together and they helped each other. Though their living together didn't start on an easy ground they were able to learn to stay together after a while and they did everything together.

Another case is a case of robotics which is also like human design and is programmed to learn from some experiences they also helped humans with their work and they have shown us how consistent they can be since they don't get tired like the way humans do.


Will we ever know the truth about this subject?


I guess with time we will know the truth about this very subject. Nothing is hidden under the sun so if there exists Extraterrestrials then one day we will see and even if humans don't go there I guess the elements from the planet will come down to earth.

With the curiosity in the hearts and minds of our scientists these days I'm sure that they will do whatever it takes to find out if there exists some other being outside the earth planet. Also, I would love to be part of those who will make such a history and then I will give first-hand information about that regard.

I want to invite @solaymann, @msharif, and @suboohi to share their participation in this contest if they haven't shared theirs yet.


Thank you, friend!
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Curated by : @pea07

 27 days ago 

Los extraterrestres han sido un tema que han estudiado mucho, aunque no hay ninguna prueba de su existencia, mucho se dice de ellos, puede ser posible que si existan hay muchos planetas , el universo es muy grande , ojalá algún día podamos saber si de verdad existen o no

Me gustó mucho su opinión en su publicación.

Exitos en el concurso

 26 days ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Las películas han determinado esta realidad de manera contundente y, muchas veces pienso que, las personas creen en dichas creaturas es por las producciones de origen audiovisual y no porque sea una teoría realista por ello, cuando una persona me dice que cree en ellos les hago pregunta reflexivas ya que, de esa manera aprenden a cuestionar lo que ven.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 26 days ago 

Pienso que detrás de las películas hay más imaginación que ciencia, ya que ésta se basa en hechos y teorías demostrables.

Quizás algún día sepamos a ciencia cierta sobre la existencia de extraterrestres, pero mientras no los vemos, seguirà la leyenda y las especulaciones.


The frictional movies alwasy present the aliens in a negative role and in every movie they attack on earth and try to capture all.
Their are aome documentarian which claim that they are always here and helped us.
Hard to believe but they shows the proofs also.

 26 days ago 

Hola amigo... también creo que en algún momento saldrá a luz publica si existen extraterrestres o no, y ojalá sea como en las películas que podamos hacer vida junto a ellos aunque nada fácil será.

Saludos y éxitos en el concurso 🤗

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