My Wise Words - A Possible Post Inspiration for YOU too.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


“A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Before I even begin this post, I just wanted to make mention of the fact that the next few photos (before the quote images) were taken within mere minutes of each other as the sun began to set a little earlier and I think that is pretty spectacular how quickly mother nature changes!


“The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotation.” — Issac D’Israeli

I suppose some may say it is silly, others may see no relevance in it, but I have always been of the opinion that your thoughts shape your life. Personally, this has proven itself to me time and time again, so I no longer hold much weight to the nay sayers. Filling your mind with positive words and therefore thoughts is not much different to enjoying a day out doing something you really love doing. Your heart and mind are occupied with "the good stuff" and there really isn't any time or space for the negatives to creep in and tap you on the shoulder, nor for you to sit inside your own head becoming your own worst enemy as you dissect things which are less than perfect in your life.

There have been many times in my life upon which I have been able to reflect and recall the impact a simple set of words written by someone else has had on me - but the mind is a great trickster... especially the corner of it which holds our fears and insecurities. You may read something that impacts you in a greatly positive manner, but soon after - receive a little tap on the "shoulder" which in an instant can wipe your mind clean of the inspiration, motivation or positivity you felt literally a minute prior.


“A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool.” — Joseph Roux

From what I have learnt, the secret to silencing that tap on the shoulder, from the dark little corner of your mind... is to realise that the mind will believe ANYTHING it is told often enough! Yes, I know I mention that line often... but it is true and it is not a complicated secret is it? No. But - it does require effort as well as consistency... two things which much of the human race appear to be somewhat void of these days in many respects. For myself, those two "ingredients" are pretty much the foundation of any good life recipe and for that reason, I began feeding my mind positively a long time ago.

During a particularly trying time in my life some years back and shortly after I had just moved into my own place for the first time at the age of 18 - or round about there. I was employed as a graphic designer in the last place of employ I would ever work. The pay was crap, I was being ripped off with my rental (for what I was getting) and every single month was a rough ride. I would pawn whatever I could to make sure I could eat because my rental literally swallowed 90% of my monthly earnings... but I was determined to live on my own. Add to that a mountain of self-created recreational problems and I began to slide a slippery slope to nowhere.


“Minds of people need a good revolution and great quotations are good revolutionists!” - Mehmet Murat Ildan

I bought a book many moons ago - The Power of Intention written by Dr. Wayne W Dyer. That book impacted my life GREATLY - I actually cannot even express in words, just how much. I went and bought myself about five packs of little sticky yellow post its - you know the one's... and I sat and started writing positive and uplifting quotes on them. I stuck them.... EVERYWHERE in my place - like EVERYWHERE! They were at the sink, on the mirrors, walls, doors, cupboards, inside the cupboards, ceiling - you name it. My home looked like a prize promo for post its themselves. I know that sometimes I might sound like a stuck record to those that read my content regularly, but mostly I am "preaching" and re-preaching" to myself, lol.

But... that book and everything it encompassed - therefore what it got me doing (with all the post it notes) IMPACTED me, every single moment of my every day. When you are constantly confronted with that, you have no option but to read it because it is staring you in the face. How many times you read the same thing is of no consequence, in fact - the more, the better. It was through that little "long term" exercise and seeing the positive impact it had on my mind and my life that I began to see things VERY differently. So, I thought I would share this with all of you as not only a potential post inspiration - but also because of the impact such words have had on me in my life. I hope you enjoy them and I do hope that at least a handful of you might share a little slice from your own collection of quote inspirations.


“Quotes help us understand, inspire, motivate, clarify and show our approach to things around, this is why people and I love quotes.” — Takyou Allah Cheikh Malaynine

My Wise Words


A little bit of a wild child I am - I have held this quote close to my heart for a very, VERY long time. Perhaps it was somewhat of a "justification" to myself for all the craziness I entertained when younger - whatever it was, it continues to resonate with me. Life is short and comes with enough trial. We may as well seek out the fun and have a good time along the way. You know the other quote... "I can sleep when I die"... well yeah - that's pretty much me. I always have been the one to do things to extreme. Fun things, that is... and that part of my nature will probably never change... I am ok with that - though I may not do so "much" of such things these days, lol!

I am not quite as wild as I used to be and I may live more 'vicariously' through things like the music I have shared above - but complete abandon is something that my crazy days taught me and it is a facet of myself which I cherish strongly. I will happily be the one to go out, hop up on the stage next to the DJ and dance in front of "twenty somethings" - no doubt making a complete arse of myself... but do I care, no! No, I don't - never did. Not about to change. Life is here to be lived and what other people think of you along the way matters not! (I manage to convince myself of this at least 90% of the time hehe) So many people take their freedom of choice for granted - I don't think I ever did and I know I don't ever want to!

There are people in this world that have not been blessed with the freedom of choice in many respects, some lost it along the way - it is perspective like this which makes me appreciate what I have... I will speak when I have something to say, if I want to dance like an idiot - I will!! We cast FAR too much judgement on ourselves - more now than ever before and it is complete BS! The below quote is my little reminder of that.


My next share is actually nobodies quote - but my own, although the same message has been delivered by others with similar words. I came to this conclusion in my late teens and early twenties as I used to read a lot of uplifting non-fiction books. There were always certain aspects of each book which I felt I connected with strongly, but then I would turn the page and find something that really didn't sit well with me. I made a decision at that time in my life that I would take from it what I will and leave the rest... somewhat, creating my OWN book of life. I have retained that perspective to this day and it is applicable in absolutely everything - including my cooking haha!!!

Every single individual has a unique road and experience here so there is no possible "blanket solution" for ANY of us. Not with life advice and also not with food, fashion, career or anything else for that matter. I will have my sauce on the side, you may pour it all over your food. Each to their own. I am quite happy to mix and match all the good stuff which appeals and speaks loudly to me. The rest of it... I will leave it behind!

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, total (1).png

Quotes are more than just words. They are fragments of inspiration and direction. They steer us when we have lost control of the wheel or when we have lost sight of it entirely. Those who appreciate the magnitude and power, you will find - have many creative ways in which to incorporate that kind of thinking into their lives. Could be podcasts, vlogs, specific bloggers, scrolling quotes on Pinterest - whatever... the point is the understanding of just how much it CAN and WILL influence and steer your ship.


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited