NEW Contest SUPER MACROPHOTOGRAPHY | WEEK 14 | Ramaria Botrytis Fungi

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Ramaria Botrytis Fungi

Hi all Steemians

You will re-read my post today @master-macro and this afternoon, as usual, I want to share again on the macro pictures that I took, my mushrooms were found again in the aceh forest today, accompanied by friends, I got one another type of light brown fungus, which sticks to the bark, turns out to be Mycena Subcaerulea.

Mycena Subcaerulea Mushroom, I will show and post this mushroom, for the macro contest held every week by the WOX Community, which I will always participate in and always show my best to be the champion in this contest.

What I want to say is I want to show you a kind of fungus Mycena Subcaerulea. which is often called the Mycena Subcaerulea mushroom, this fungus has seen only 1 fungus growing, while in some places the Mycena Subcaerulea fungus. It grows in groups. This mushroom has many types, some of which I've seen are:

  • orange color
  • yellow
  • White color
  • Brown
  • black

and we can mark by the growth of this fungus is the expansion of the head, this type of mushroom is also a type of mushroom that uses rainwater and dew that is still visible in the morning, can make this type of mushroom brighter when I take a photo.

My overall explanation above, below are some pictures of the Mycena subcaerulea mushroom that I took photos of, what you will see below is a picture of the Mycena subcaerulea mushroom:








That's all I can say, I hope you enjoy seeing it.

Written by Regards @master-macro

Macro PhotographyMushroom
Camera usedHandphone RMX1941
Location PhotoAceh Forest
Written by@master-macro



nice photo

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