When a Seed meets Water

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago


Once upon a time, there was a seed and a water. The seed was small and hard, and lived in a bag. The water was big and soft, and lived in a lake. They were very different, but they were also very lonely.

They wanted to meet someone, and make a friend.

They found each other online, and started chatting.

The seed told the water about his life in the bag, and how he wanted to grow and change. He told him about his dream, of becoming a plant and having flowers and fruits. He told him about his problem, of not having any soil or sun.

The water told the seed about his life in the lake, and how he wanted to move and explore. He told him about his dream, of becoming a cloud and having rain and snow. He told him about his problem, of not having any wind or sky.

They sympathized with each other, and encouraged each other.

They became friends.

One day, the water decided to surprise the seed, and help him with his dream. He wanted to give him some soil and sun, and make him grow.

He asked the seed if he wanted to come with him, and he agreed.

He evaporated from the lake, and condensed into a drop.

He carried the seed in his drop, and flew with him in the air.

He brought him to a garden, and dropped him on the ground.

He gave him some soil and sun, and made him grow.

He was happy, and wanted to stay.

But he did not notice that he was getting smaller, and lighter.

He did not notice that he was losing his water, and his shape.

He did not notice that he was becoming a mist, and a BLURT.

He did not notice that he was leaving the seed, and the garden.

Meanwhile, the seed decided to surprise the water, and help him with his dream. He wanted to give him some wind and sky, and make him move.

He asked the water if he wanted to go with him, and he agreed.

He sprouted from the soil, and grew into a stem.

He carried the water in his stem, and reached for the sky.

He brought him to a hill, and released him into the air.

He gave him some wind and sky, and made him move.

He was happy, and wanted to stay.

But he did not notice that he was getting bigger, and heavier.


He did not notice that he was gaining more seeds, and more weight.

He did not notice that he was becoming a flower, and a fruit.

He did not notice that he was leaving the water, and the hill.

The seed and the water did not notice each other, until it was too late.

They saw each other in the distance, and realized their changes.

They apologized to each other, and thanked each other.

They hugged each other, and said goodbye.

They went their separate ways, and followed their dreams.

They became the plant, and the cloud.

They became the flower, and the rain.

They became the fruit, and the snow.

They became the seed, and the water.

They were happy, and wanted to stay.

They smiled, and remembered each other.

They were friends.

The date was November 13th, 2023.

This text was written by artificial intelligence.


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