june macros .:. flowerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Fresh macro photos of this season. Basically, the weather did not kiss me, it was raining, and the photos were taken either in overcast light or right during the rain, with droplets.

Свежие макро-фотографии этого сезона. В основном погода меня не целовала, шли дожди, и фотографии сделаны либо в пасмурном свете, либо прямо во время дождя, с капельками.

Photo is clickable for high-res.


Peony. Having already taken a few shots, I discovered it was inhabited: a tiny climbing spider was cheerfully jumping over the petals. I don't know how noticeable it is in the photos :)

Пион. Уже сделав несколько кадров, я обнаружил что он населён - по лепесткам бодро прыгал крошечный паук-альпинист. Не знаю, насколько он заметен на фото. Найдете? :)


A whole meadow of daisies grew in front of our veranda. Of course, they are weeds, but we regretted weeding them out, and for a whole month we rejoiced at their flowering - and watched who flew in to rest on these flowers. For example, such a beautiful beetle. nature's jewelry work!

Перед нашей верандой выросла целая поляна ромашек. Они конечно сорняки, но мы пожалели их выпалывать, и целый месяц радовались их цветению - и наблюдали, кто прилетал отдохнуть на этих цветках. Например, такой красивый жук. Ювелирное произведение!


This flower im not sure about the name, but I guess it is sort of a Málva. We did not plant it - it grew in our place by itself, like many other plants.


And the last one: Digitális purpúrea, or a common foxglow (funny name! I wonder why they call it like that?..) We have only one flower that pops-up every year at our place. A beautiful subject to shoot, from any angle.

location: Vyritza, Russia June 2022 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv


Thanks for the visit!
BLOG is set to 100% powerup, as always.
All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
 2 years ago 


Breeding green goodness!💚☘ Resteemed.

Thanki! always good to see your visit.

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