Photographer Travel - preparation for distributing food to the community

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


Photographer Travel
preparation for distributing food to the community

Today, I will show you again, in preparation for the food distribution event to the community, well, this event is still related to the month full of blessings, namely the MONTH OF RAMADHAN.

In Aceh, if the month of Ramadan is always used to cleanse the heart by doing worship, whether together, or as a family and individually, this is done over time while carrying out activities as usual.

Aceh does have a very strong tradition of sharing, and this has been done since ancient times, so, when the month of Ramadan arrives, food, drinks and other alms are also provided in the form of goods or money, to be distributed to the poor and underprivileged people. .

Well, below is a picture of the preparation event, let's look at it below:








well, how about it, surely you have seen it, that's how the Aech community is together, when they are preparing food and drinks and cakes, which will be distributed to the community, especially the city of Lhokseumawe.

This is what I can say, hopefully it is useful for those of you who like to share and give alms.



 2 months ago (edited)

Alhamdulillah Ramadhan penuh berkah. Semoga kita senantiasa diberikan rejeki yang halal, agar kita dapat terus berbagi kepada sesama di momen Ramadhan dengan pahala yang berlipat ganda

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is full of blessings. May we always be given things that are halal that are easy for us so that we can continue to share with others in the moments of Ramadan with double the rewards.

Alhamdulillah, lon yang kalen pih ikot bahagia🙂

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