Landscape photography ~ At the entrance to the canal of St. Anthony ~ Fortress of St. Nicholas

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Hello dear friends, I want to show you a couple of beautiful photos I took a few days ago when I was going by catamaran from the island to the city.
The photos were taken in the early morning at sunrise which is as beautiful at this time of year as the sunset.

With a few clouds and calm sea, a really nice effect is created.

So I couldn’t sit still inside the boat but had to go outside in the back of the boat and photograph this beautiful sunrise.


I took a couple of photos and I was happy with them but we were close to entering the canal and I couldn’t resist taking a few more photos of St. Nicholas Fortress.


I have already photographed this fortress from all positions if you are interested in what it looks like from the inside and from the top of the fortress you can find it in this post;


I've sailed past it a million times but I'm always amazed at how powerful it looks.


It has openings for 32 cannons at sea level and at the top of the fortress, so it is reasonable that everyone was afraid to enter the canal next to it.


Fortress of St. Nicholas was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the joint transnational nomination "Defense Systems of the Republic of Venice in the period from the 16th to the 17th century".


The city of Šibenik is surrounded by four fortresses, three on land and this one on the sea. Two fortresses have been completely renovated, one is currently under construction and this is the most demanding and is still awaiting its restoration.

       ... thank you ...
 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @to-tru

Wow, what beautiful photos, I can imagine the experience of sailing on the waters of this wonderful place.

Thanks for sharing these pictures.

This fortress looks really powerful when you come from the sea side.
Thanks friend @adeljose for the nice comment!

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