in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I started my day today by waking up very early to organize the church premises before the main service would start at 9 am. I didn't expect to wake up feeling bruised and tired but that is what you get for staying away from the pitch for long

I almost did not attend church because I felt weak. I had decided to sit this one out but then my conscience came calling. I remembered how I was able to convince someone to attend church even when he was feeling a bit under the weather.

I had to set an example I said to myself. I was late for church but better late than absent.


Ready for church

The service was great today. Coincidentally, both the preacher and sermonist had prepared something on Faith to teach today. Then I realized I had to sit up my game. It was like I was the one being addressed today.

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Watching the game online

I took a little nap after church and woke up just in time to watch Chelsea face Crystal Palace for the FA Cup semi-final. The game ended with Chelsea winning by 2 goals to nil in an interesting second-half football.

The church was having a building exercise so I decided to join my brethren even if I couldn't offer much support in terms of strength. We have been working to put up a church building for years now from our own pockets.


Working on the church building

Though our number is small, we still work together as a family. It is just a matter of time.

I spent the evening catching up on the recent happenings on this platform and deciding where I would fit in in the meantime.

That summed up my activities for the day. Thanks for passing by

 2 years ago 

There is blessing in doing the work of God. I am glad you were able to convince yourself to go to church. I hope you are animated now. Beautiful smiles you have there. Helping in building the church of God will build your house in heaven. Great diary friend. Steem on


 2 years ago 

Sometimes happenings draw us backward in Faith but then we need a constant reminder that we are not in this alone. Thanks for your positive comment

 2 years ago 

You are welcome friend

 2 years ago 

Great day it was for you and I hope you were happy to see Chelsea go through. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

You know I definitely would be happy to see Chelsea win such games

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

It is good to attend church and worship God all the time. Chelsea played a good game though I am not a fan of Chelsea. Your reward awaits you. Either by strength or money, the little things that you do , remember it will yield good fruit. You are such a good person doing your best to help your church to put up a structure. I enjoyed reading your post and I hope to see more from you. Keep sharing dear friend

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