in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Waking up as early as 4 am on Sundays has been encrypted in my genes now. My body knows to wake up even before my alarm rings at 4:30 am. The usual routine, going to organize the premises for service at 9 am.

Today, I was tasked with leading the morning devotion. As much as I love to sing and praise the Lord, my singing voice is what is referred to as average. I do my best and am always happy to take up such roles. Practice makes one perfect right?


Church got Me

Morning devotion was going so well until my voice started to give up on me 😂. I had to quickly devise a plan to end the singing so I opted for offering thanksgiving prayers instead.

The service was great and inspiring. Cleanliness is next to Godliness as was remained and requested of us as Christians. Athe the service, a little work had to be done on the building so some of us stayed behind to finish up a few pillars.


Took a pic of the working crew

Today's construction work didn't take that long. Within an hour or two, we were done.

I was in a hurry to watch at least a few minutes of Chelsea's game with West Ham but the game had ended before I got home. I had to result to watching highlights from Youtube.

Observing the game stats and event turnout, I noticed the game was intense. The upside is that Chelsea won the game and that's all that matters.

Screenshot (66).png

Watching Werewolf Within with my friends

I spent the evening working on my project proposal and assisting a friend to work on his. Some friends paid me a visit and we graced the moment with movie watching.

We shared some good laughs from watching Werewolf Within before they left and I retire to bed.

That sumed up my activities for the day


Greetings friend, it is very important that you dedicate your life to God, it should be noted that he is the engine that makes us move, although many do not know or do not allow themselves to be used by him, it is always good to talk about our experiences with Jesus to be able to bear witness, Blessings to you.

 2 years ago 

Rightly said. The strenght I have, He gave so it is my duty to give back without hesitation. Bless you too

I feel you brother. We don't need to be perfect before we do something for the Lord. All that matters is the effort. On top of that, you had to stay back after Church to work on the building.
God will surely bless you for that.

I hate Chelsea but they are doing better than my team united. I have not seen that movie, I hope it's a nice movie. It looks like you had a tiring day but a good one.
I enjoyed reading. Steem on

 2 years ago 

I don't know why you would boldly say you hate Chelsea but I guess I shouldn't expect any less from a United fan. But get this clear, United is not a decent club anymore. All are old and gasping for the wind.

Watch it and have a good laugh. Its interesting. I am even watching The Dictator again just to enlighten my mood

Let's talk after the match between United and Chelsea. I believe when those two clubs meet, it's not the matter of who has a good form. Just hope you win

 2 years ago 

Encryption to wake up at 4 🤣🤣🤣🤣!! I have the same issue and I believe is good for and I believe it is for you too.

I really like your shirt. Great day it was for you and helping in the work of the Lord.

Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

The system knows what the system knows. A habit once cultivated is very hard to do away with. Glad you love my shirt. It was a gift from a good friend.

 2 years ago 

Sure habit in some way are addictive. I guess your friend is she?🤣🤣🤣

Happy to see your face. Its been a while seeing this face. Don't worry, December is just around the corner

 2 years ago 

Don't you worry? Just a matter of time

 2 years ago 

Morning devotions are nice to do. I laughed when you stopped and took the offertory


@juzkid upvoted you 😄🎉🎉

 2 years ago 

Had to come up with something fast because my voice was fading. But I did good

 2 years ago 

Your commitment and dedication speak a lot about you. Keep it up and God will bless you. You performed so many activities. Your day was well spent . Steem on dear friend

 2 years ago 

I am honoured. Grateful bro

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