THE DIARY GAME(03/08/2021):Unproductive Tuesday

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone is Muhammad kasib here again with another diary game,today wasn’t really a productive day for me because I was so worn out and the previous day I also sustained an injury due to playing football which left me in my bed for almost the entire day.
I woke up at 11am today then quickly went through my socials then proceeded to brush my teeth and then had my breakfast.
After my breakfast I went to take my bath because I took tea which made me so sweaty and so uncomfortable.
After bathing i then continued to read my slides from where I left of because I’ve got an upcoming midsem examination to write this Friday.
After studying for almost a hour and half then decided to play some video game on my phone “call of duty mobile” to release some stress

The Game

For about close to an hour I was tired of playing so I decided to step out and get some fresh air.
So I turned to my favorite song of this month by logic as I glanced through Twitter.

Flawless By Logic

After a while of going through Twitter I looked up then I caught a glimpse of the sky which was so beautiful and stunning so I took a few shots.

But Here Is The Best One Of Them All

Am not really the type that take pictures of the sky like most of my friends do lol but for the first time it felt good and i realized what I had been missing out on,so I decided to share it to them.
Fast forward evening time a friend of mine texted me and said he went to grab some food and asked if I’d like some.
So about 7:30pm he came over with the food by then I was praying,so after prayers we ate and then had a conversation of the hushpuppi incident.
So later that night I turned to watching some Netflix,My favorite series of all time “Rick and Morty” a new episode they had just released y’all should check it out.

The Series

After watching I then continued with my slides to recollect what I had learnt earlier.

My Slides

So basically that’s what I did throughout my unproductive day lol.

Thank you for your time,Peace out✌️


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Speedy recovery Sir.

 3 years ago 

Thanks fam

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