The Mahogany Plant, Its benefits as well as its side effects.... #Club5050

in Steem Ghana2 years ago (edited)


Greetings to all and sundry on this platform once again,

Today I am here again to write and share with you all about the mahogany plant and some of its benefits. I know many or almost all of us here on this platform have heard of this Mahogany plant before and might even see it before. Okay without much talks, we set the ball rolling. One may ask what is this Mahogany plant that I am talking of ?....

What is Mahogany Plant?

Mahogany plant is a type of plant that falls under the phylum macrophylia. It has the botanical name as Swietenia macrophylia. The plant is very huge and has a large trunk diameter size which aids for its use in timber works. The plant produces flowers as which contains seed that is very useful as well. The trunk of the plant has either a black or brownish color. The mahogany plant is used for furniture but also has a lot of medicinal purposes especially the bark of the trunk as well as the seeds and fruits.



I would be enumerating some of these benefits here in this article and I hope that you stay tuned to learn those benefits. Okay, let's dive into the benefits of this plant in our daily lives.

Uses or Importance of Mahogany Plant?

There are several benefits and uses of the Mahogany plant and I would enumerate some here in this article. They include the following;

  • The fruits and seeds of the Mahogany plant helps to improve the blood circulation in the human body. These is because of the flavonoids and saponins content contained in the seeds and fruits.

  • Again, the fruits and seeds of this plant helps in regulating the blood sugar level which is as a result of the present of saponins in the plant.

  • It is also used to reduce or lessen the Alzheimer's disease and this can be achieved by adding some amount of a grounded mahogany powder to the food you eat.

  • It also helps women in reducing menstrual pains and this is achieved by taking or eating a fruit of mahogany on the first day that the menstrual cycle begins. This helps to reduce the pains involved within that period.

  • The mahogany fruits helps to overcome constipation and this is done by drinking warm water mixed with a crushed mahogany fruit in it.

  • The saponins content in the seeds of mahogany plant helps to prevent insects which thereby serves as an insect repellent.

  • The fruits and seeds of mahogany plant helps in reducing build up of fats, lowers the cholesterol levels and then boost the immune system of humans.


Just as the health benefits of the seeds and fruits, the bark of the trunk of mahogany plants also has health benefits and one is that they are used locally to cure fever and malaria as we do see in our local homes.

  • The bark of the mahogany plant is also used in boosting fertility in both gender. It has been used locally to treat impotent men and also increase the chances of a female getting pregnant.

  • The extract gotten from the bark of mahogany helps to reduce the risk of hypertension as it decreases or reduces the blood pressure level in humans.

  • The extract of the bark of mahogany plant also helps to increase the appetite level of an individual who has lost it.

  • The extract of the bark of mahogany plant is proven to contain antibacterial properties which tend to help in healing of wounds.

  • Finally, the stem bark of the mahogany plants is found to contain antioxidant properties and this is because of the phytochemicals found in it which includes; alkaloid, saponins, cardiac glycoside, flavonoids, tannin, etc.

Side Effects of Mahogany Plant?

Yes, upon all those benefits mentioned above, there are certain side effects one must take good note of when consuming mahogany. They include the following;

  • consuming too much mahogany plants can cause gallstones in the body because in doing so, the amount of saponin in the body increases and this accounts for that.

  • similarly, when consumed overdose, the flavonoids content also becomes too much for the body thereby leading to the conversion of the antioxidant to pro-oxidants and mutagens in the body.


I bring to you the end of today's article, and I hope that we take good notes of these health benefits of the mahogany plant and we should also be cautioned in how we consume it especially taking good note of the dose. Aside the health benefits we saw that it has some side effects too as well and it is very necessary for us to take good care of that not to overdose it and cause harm to ourselves. '

I end here and a say goodbye to you all. Have a nice day. Thank you all for your time and attention. See you in my next article.


Saludos amigo, no debes usar ambas etiqueta, solo una: learnwithsteem y fintech. Y debe ser fintech, por estar hablando de ciencia y salud

 2 years ago 

Okay dear, thanks so much for the correction, I have done that please you can kindly revisit and curate my post.

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 2 years ago 

The Mahogany tree is one that has many good things to it and a lot to talk about and you did your due diligence with it. thanks for this

 2 years ago 

You welcome bro and thanks for passing by

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center>Note : You must enter the tag #fintech for your post to be reviewed.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the upvote, I do appreciate🤗

 2 years ago 

This is lucid. I have learned alot about your post. Keep sharing more 😀

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the positive feedbacks, I would do my best to produce more quality content of such. Thanks for passing by✊😊

Keep sharing friend. You can also share with @amazing-ghana


 2 years ago 

Thanks for this, I would do my best to do so

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