THEDIARYGAME SEASON 3 FOR 6/11/2021||How My Day Went||10% payout to Steemwomensclub

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Saturdays are indeed exclusive and meant for the street mentors kids and staffs and this Saturday was no exception.

I woke up very early, washed my dirty clothes, washed the dishes, took my bath, got dressed and prepared to leave the house but first I had to visit the market to purchase few items that we would be using in our outreach.

I got a bathing soap, tooth paste, and detergent and headed straight to the venue although my tricycle was met with traffic but I got to the venue we would be holding the outreach on time.

We all went out to gather the street kids together, then the street teachers began teaching them about hygiene while others taught few of them letter of the alphabet as most of them have never stepped into school before and can not spell there names.


When they were done
teaching, the street cooks decided to serve then with a light breakfast of tea and cake while I and another mentor was asked to help divide the items I bought from the market.


When we were done feeding them, we said a few prayer and they went there ways. We were all asked to wait for one of our patner by name Dr. Ben who wanted having a word with us. Dr Ben is a Doctor and the CEO of the Street kids in another Local Government Area and has been in the Charity Organization for more than 24 years.


Moments spent with this man was indeed wirth it and I must say he's got a big heart to reach out to people and save lives he doesn't even know.

When we were done with the meeting, I left immediately and boarded a bus to Oron Road going to see my friend, got dow at Quintall Pharmacy and made my way down the street where I was directed to enter the hospital she works Petalice Medical Center, there I met her.


I carried the test I needed and decided to seat with her and have girl talk. While we were talking, another friend of hers which I also know came to conduct a test on herself and when it was done and drugs was prescribed, she decided to take her leave. We also decided to see her off even though the sun was not favourable.


We came back and continued chatting about random girls things and how to have several sources of income as a lady. When the sun was down, I decided to take my leave. I got to the bus stop and saw the Quinthall Pharmcie beautified by this light and I took a picture although I couldn't snap the picture properly.


Boarded a bus and later a tricycle down to my house, bought some fruit for myself , got home, took my bath, ate my fruit and went to sleep. I was lucky my mom was not around as at the time I got home.

Thank you for reading through the blog.

Cc: @steemwomensclub
Cc: @svm038

This is my introductory post link



 3 years ago 

I was touched and impress by this kind gesture.
May the Lord bless you all.

Amen. Thank you ma

 3 years ago 

Hiaaa. This service will be highly rewarded. God bless you ma

Thank you, Amen to your prayer.

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