#burnsteem25 | The Diary Game, July 04, 2022 : My Activities On The WeekendsteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago
This morning, our family's breakfast was very appetizing. It is a prawn cracker made with a heart by my mother. I helped my mother make sweet tea to warm this not-so-sunny morning. Lately, the mornings are often cloudy. One portion of prawn cracker was almost charred. I forgot to turn it over.


After having breakfast together, I continued my activities to wash clothes. I haven't washed my clothes for two days. The pile of clothes has filled the basket. While waiting for the clothes to be washed automatically by the washing machine, I swept the yard. The wind and rain made the leaves fall on the left side of the house.


My mother's prawn cracker

The sun was so hot it made my body feel hot and stifling. My mother told me to go to the sea to buy fresh fish for our dinner menu. I ride the motorbike at a moderate speed. The location is not so far from home. It only took me about seven minutes to get to my destination. On the way, I stopped to buy fresh young coconut water to relieve fatigue and thirst.


Pasi Aron Beach

I arrived at the sea. The sea is so calm. The sound of the waves and the chirping of birds makes anyone who is there calm. I sat on the beach while enjoying the coconut water which I bought earlier while waiting for the fishing boat. After waiting about 45 minutes, not a single fishing boat was parked. Then, I went home and bought fresh tilapia in the pond.


Eid was approaching, and I accompanied my mother to the market to buy some Eid cakes. I like the peanut part. I also bought my sister's favorite butter cake. After that, I bought some kitchen ingredients that were running low at homes such as cooking oil, vegetables, sugar, and other seasonings such as ginger and turmeric.

The atmosphere of the market this afternoon looks so crowded. Many people pass by to buy some of their needs to welcome Eid al-Adha which is only a matter of days. Azan Megrib almost rang. My mother and I immediately rushed home so we wouldn't be late on the streets.


Buying cake and cracker for Ied

I immediately took a shower and performed the Maghrib prayer. Then have dinner and prepare unfinished Steemit posts. That's my story on Sunday. Thank you for reading and providing positive feedback. I appreciate it. Thank you to the Steemit team, especially Steemcurator01 and Steemcurator02 who have supported me to realize dream after dream.


I love prawn and it looks yummy! Yep Eid is after 5 days I think. Preparations are made everywhere. May God accept your prayer. Keep it up!

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

You spent your holiday in a useful manner.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

I love prawn... especially when it becomes a cracker

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