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RE: SEC-S16/W5 | Un viaje con un usuario de Steemian @yonaikerurso🏖️

in Traveling Steem2 months ago

Hello @rosybelyepez, I enjoyed reading your post. Truly it is good to surround ourselves with those that recharge our energy in a positive manner. It's good to laugh more. I just noticed that most Venezuelan users put at least 1 beach ⛱️ location on their trip plans. I guess so many beautiful beaches are in your lovely country. Wow, you both eat healthy, that's nice to hear 😊. I saved the best for last 👇👇

prometo la pasaremos muy bien y lo mejor con todo pago por nuestros amigos de Traveling Steem😉.

That's really clever of you to pin the expenses on Traveling Steem 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Thank you for sharing


Hola amigo un placer saludarte ✨
Mi país ofrece unos paisajes hermosos entre ellos las playas, nada mejor que compartir aventuras de viaje con una persona que sea positiva y de buena actitud.
Encantada con tu visita.
Saluos 🙏🏻

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