Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

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Assalamualaikum hello everyone good evening and greetings from me and this time I will write a contest "Steemit S12-W2 Engagement Challenge in this case I will take the community Reflexiones de Vida also in the title this time is "A call to conscience" about how the process works,

Why do our young people and teenagers commit more violent acts? Explain some reasons you think are the reasons.

Indonesia currently still has problems related to violence against teenagers or the younger generation. Violence against teenagers or the younger generation has long been a concern of the Indonesian government. Adolescent violence is an act of physical, emotional or sexual violence committed by peers at school. Youth violence can develop in different ways. Some children exhibit problematic behavior at an early age that gradually escalates into more severe forms of aggression than before.

In my opinion, teenage violence also comes from the family, namely when parents do not take an active role in their children's lives, so teenagers become uncontrolled and make friends with the wrong friends.


The second is the influence of the media, namely violence in the media can influence teenagers and make them act aggressively. The third is from peers, peer pressure can be a factor causing adolescent violence when peers tend to act aggressively.

The fourth is mental health, mental illness is also a cause of violence among teenagers. Mental health problems such as ADHD, bipolar, and behavioral disorders

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

Adolescence is a time when they are looking for their identity, so the role of parents is very important to guide and accompany them so that they do not go in the wrong direction. The reason is that we find quite a few cases of youth violence in today's society. Here are two alternatives to overcome this situation

  • Instill good values ​​from an early age, not only academic abilities, parents also need to pay attention to the development of their children's spiritual character. Teach children about religious values ​​and good norms from a young age. Also teach children about sex education and also the dangers of using illegal drugs by teaching them so that children will know what is good and what is not good or should be avoided.
  • Keep communication open, in the midst of busy parents and teenagers, try to have quality time together because this is very important so that communication between children and parents is maintained well and children do not hesitate to share all their complaints and also children feel enough attention from them. parent.


Why is society today more apathetic towards other people's suffering, towards other people? Explain some of the reasons.Do you have to help others?

Apathy is an attitude of indifference and loss of interest in social and emotional situations. Because today's society, if it cares too much about people, is not good for them because many people nowadays, if they care too much, people will use it to manipulate us, so society is too lazy to deal with other people's problems.

However, fellow human beings must also help each other because we humans cannot live as individuals and we will definitely need other people at some point and we can help each other or empathize with other people's problems. Naturally, it is not good to interfere excessively in other people's affairs. and if someone else has asked for our help, we should help if the situation allows us to help.

Can you list some principles that were instilled in you or that you instilled in your family?

The first is to remain kind to people and help each other because one day we will definitely need that person, even though we don't need it now, but someday we will definitely need it, so we can still socialize with other people even though sometimes they are not like us.

so for my contest post this time thank you for everything, in this case I invite my friends @hotspotitaly,@anroja ,@radjasalman and @irawandedy to participate here, thanks for everything.

CC @stephenkendal @visionaer3003


Best regards



Hola @realword23, por favor puedes cambiar las imágenes porque no se van a la página de pixabay.

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