My Actifit Report Card: October 16 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

It's a good morning as the day dawned with much enthusiasm and lively activities. It first began with devotion to the Giver of life and strength, being acknowledged for all good things and encouragement to do more for humanity. I took a distance drive to a school of discipleship where Church leaders conveyed for the Disciples-making course. The jubilant crowd was so much enthused with the new doctrinal insights gained during the day program. It's quite interactive and participatory in nature.
I felt deep impressed as it was the first training after covid-19 lockdown. People were elated to get together having missed each other for long and were reunited in a manner worthy of praise and devotion to God.

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Daily Activity, Hiking, Home Improvement, House Chores, Jogging, Moving Around Office, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Walking


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