My Actifit Report Card: October 18 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

The youth ministry is very vital in raising a healthy Church. I really engaged in the succession program with the youths who will become leaders of future generations. And this, I do with passion and in earnest believing that they will embibe in good moral discipline and have good spiritual relationship with God. In doing ministry with the youths, I recruite, train and mobilize them for effective discipleship and spiritual maturity. I create non-threatening atmosphere to cultivate relationship, look for opportunities to plant genuine and lively seed (the Word) and expect to reap bountiful harvest. Though, it's not easy to carry them along, but the challenge is surmountable and the zest is placed above all odds. I am confident that the Lord of the harvest will continue to grant favor to break barriers and lunch deeper without looking back.
However, the youths are always glad to share in fellowship and partake in the group activities. Much progress has been made to affecting our immediate community and much responses are recorded. This wouldn't be without sincere prayers and thoughtful commitment. I trust in the near future vibrant leaders shall emerge and greater joy will come our way.
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Cycling, Dancing, Hiking, Home Improvement, House Chores, Jogging, Moving Around Office, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking


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