SEC-S13W6 – Let's talk about things that could improve the world

in Steem Venezuela7 months ago

Edited with text on photo

Greetings to all the steemians in the house!

When I was still growing up, my dad would always say to me, son! Be kind and sincere in whatever you do. He would also say to me, be a person of value to people around and build a good reputation for yourself because a good name is better than silver and gold. At that time, I was too young to understand some of his words, but today they are clear to me, and I see them as the greatest weapon to conquer the world. Below is what I wish to change in the world.


Love for humanity and for the environment.



The major problem we are facing today is centered around LOVE. with love, any challenge can be settled. But the problem is, how much do we love our environment? And how much do we love other people around us? We now in a time where people think only about their self and their personal interest. We don't mind the consequences of our action on the environment and on humanity.

Poverty, murder, hatred, jealousy, and envy has now found a place in human mind. All these are the problems we have today and it is due to lack of love for humanity. If we all can be sincere, our world will be a better place to live.

Talking about love for environment, bushing burning, deforestation, pollution, and other human activities has landed our world in mess. All these action has lead to global warming, and we are feeling the impact on us. If we love the environment, we all will put a stop to what ever is harmful to it. In conclusion, love for humanity and the environment is what I wish to introduce to the world.


Do you have the tools to achieve it and take action?


myself cleaning the environment

I don't have all the power to implement these changes but, as people would always say, BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT. If you want to change anything, then the change should start with you. In my little capacity, I try as much as possible to show love to my environment by planting trees and cleaning the garbages in my environment.

I also try in my little way to live in harmony with everyone that comes my way. To those in need, I offer the assistance that I can. That's my way of showing love to people. The world really needs it.


Do you think others would imitate these actions for a collective achievement?


Oh yes! There are a lot of people that would imitate the kind effort. I could remember, there was a time I was cleaning the surroundings, and someone stopped to join me in keeping the environment clean. He was not invited, but he felt it is good to participate.

Today, we all have role models and mentors. We tend to imitate their lifestyles because we believe in them. If today I have to be a role model and a mentor to someone, he or she will do the same. As such, let's do whatever seem right. Be kind to people around you and to the environment.

I invite @yakspeace, @ruthjoe, @josepha, and @iranwadedy to participate.


Hello dear friend you have shared a very interesting post today in this community... I must say that the day where you navigated your points and please good choice of words in your publication has made it more understandable and passed a clear message on what you're trying to say....
Your father was indeed right telling you why growing up that we need to become people who are kind in whatever they do and have value for people around us... That statement alone Can motivate a person to do more to contribute to the society in making changes around...
Emphasising on the point of love is a very good approach to making changes in our environment and our World at Large.. we all know how our religion has stressed on the platform of love being the bedrock of many successful things. Even as a Christian I was told our creator is love himself so uf you don't love your neighbor you can't be close to God.
See you taking a step ahead to make changes in your environment by cleaning the environment shows that you have the zeal in trying to make changes.. do remember to always have belief in what you are changing because without Belief I think it is impossible
Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge....


 7 months ago 

Hola amigo.
Tu reflexión al asunto propuesto es una forma que debería implantarse en todas las mentes, pero como somos libre de pensar entonces lo que podemos hacer es unirnos en armonía y veremos nuestro país y el ambiente de otra forma.

Saludos cordiales y bendiciones.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

Be the change you want

I applaud this phrase and this attitude, this personal approach and that becomes a cry for the collective, plausos for you, you are the kind of person that is needed to achieve these changes.

Sometimes we focus on just being critical, which is not a bad thing to be, but we forget to do, to contribute because we say:

Oh no, I can't do it alone and my contribution is not going to be noticed, why should it be solved by those who have to solve it?

 7 months ago 

Greetings friend @ishayachris

Selfishness and apathy are slowly taking over society, there is a lot of resentment between people, communities and even countries, as well as a lack of interest in taking care of the most precious thing in this world, which is our environment. Pollution and war must end soon, love is the main tool we must use to make this world better.

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Hello @ishayachris
It's not easy to make our would a better place, love is a virtue we all need to possess, you asked a right question... How much do we live our environment. It is indeed not so easy to say, it is a thing we need to think deeply before answering. Seeing you taking the bull by the horn in the image motivates us all to start making out environment a better place to live in.

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