[ESP/ENG] La fiel mascota de mi amigo/ My friend's faithful pet.

in Steem Venezuela7 months ago


Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad, bendecido dia, hoy les hablaré de la fiel compañera de un amigo, y se trata de su perra la cual siempre lo acompaña.

Cuando el visita mi hogar la primera que entra es su mascota y además juega con mis perros recorren todo el jardín.

Ella es muy coqueta y la llaman luna, y siempre esta pendiente de su dueño por lo que me deja impresionada.

Cuando mi amigo va al campo ella siempre busca la manera de aparecerse ya que no es tan lejos el lugar, y le encanta estar con las vacas.

Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, blessed day, today I will talk to you about the faithful companion of a friend, and it is his dog who always accompanies him.

When she visits my home, the first one that enters is her pet and she also plays with my dogs and walks around the entire garden.

She is very flirtatious and they call her Luna, and she is always aware of her owner which leaves me impressed.

When my friend goes to the countryside she always looks for a way to appear since the place is not that far away, and she loves being with the cows.



Debo decir que ya me encariñe con ella y siempre me visita, además le doy comida y agua para que este mas relajada.

Creo que se va a terminar quedando en mi hogar ya que algunas veces no se quiere ir y mas porque juega con mis perros.

Es buena cazadora me cuenta mi amigo, cuando va al campo busca en las madrigueras y atrapa a varios animales como conejos.

Autor: @merlyned
Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.

I must say that I have grown fond of her and she always visits me, and I also give her food and water so that she is more relaxed.

I think he's going to end up staying in my home since sometimes he doesn't want to leave, especially because he plays with my dogs.

She is a good hunter, my friend tells me, when she goes to the countryside she searches in burrows and catches various animals such as rabbits.

Author: @merlyned
Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.

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