The diary game||13-05-24||"A bit of a sense of busy time.".

in Steem Cameroon28 days ago


Hi companions, how are all of you? Trust all of you are well. I'm likewise fine by the beauty of Allah. Beginning my post by hello everybody.
Today I awakened at seven this morning. I awakened and went to the washroom to clean my hands, face and teeth. Then I prepared to eat. Breakfast isn't ready in our home today. I gradually went to the market inn to have breakfast. When I went to the lodging to eat. It was around 6:30 am.



In the wake of completing my morning meal at the inn, I paid my full breakfast cost to the inn, I gradually left the lodging again for home .As the inn is exceptionally close from our home. So I arrived at home in no time. Then I went into my home. I examined different issues with all my relatives inside my house. Then I arranged I will go to the market today. I will get some garments from the market for my own needs. I need some cash in it. So I took some cash from my mom.


Subsequent to taking the cash from my mom I was completely ready to go to the market. Then I went out. Going out, I saw a vehicle out and about. I left the vehicle gradually for the market. I arrived at the market in no time. But our market incorporates a few major general stores. I gradually entered a major grocery store. I realize there is a material shop on the lookout. There are various kinds of garments shops in this market. So sluggishly I entered the very shop that I know.



First I began to like all the garments I really wanted including a towel. However, I could have done without it, so I didn't get it once more. Then inside a similar shop I checked a shirt. Yet, the shirt was costly. I purchased this shirt for BDT.700. Then I addressed the cost of the shirt to the retailer. Then I left this shop. I left for home. I employed an auto cart and arrived at home. At the point when I got back home, I got a few eggs from the market.


At the point when I arrived at home. It was 1:00 pm. It was noon. I arranged for lunch. I went into our lounge area. Since our lunch is ready on the eating table. I got ravenous rapidly, so I sat alone and had lunch. Our lunch today was extremely scrumptious. For example, chicken meat, fish, eggs and so on. After I wrapped up eating, all my relatives ate together.


After lunch, I rested for some time in the afternoon.That is, I dozed for some time in my bed.
Then, at that point, I went out for some time in the early evening. In the wake of meandering around outside, I again went into my home at night. Then at night I supplicated the Maghrib petition in my home. Then, I dealt with the PC in my home for some time. I was making some monetary records for my own requirements.

If you want to know me better here is my

Thanks you
Best Regards: @amir9988


The shop actually have so much nice clothe. But I am afraid that hope those clothes will not really be so costly


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