Creative Writing//Flee from Malice// 22-10-2023

in Steem Cameroon8 months ago


Don't take people for granted because you have weighed and rated them that no matter how you offend them, they will be the ones to ask for forgiveness. They don't ask for forgiveness because they can't do without you. Rather they say sorry even when they are right because they value their relationship with God. Stop feeling you are so important, instead represent Christ in your relationships. When you continue to hurt people and wait for them to come apologize, you are heaping wood on the coal destined for you. Don't allow position and title drunken you for it doesn't matter to God! He deals with individuals and not titles!

Surrounding yourself with love is intentionally taking the decision to love people rather than hurting them. Following the law of seed time and harvest, there is assurance to receive love when you give out love. On the contrary, when you spend time hurting others even if they don't do same to you in return, it will certainly come back to you even from different quarters. Never think you are doing yourself good by making others cry because you will pay for their tears one day. Sow love and you shall reap love meanwhile plotting evil against others will only attract evil your way. Repent NOW!

When you outgrow feeding the desires of your flesh, only then are you ready for the top. After successive hurts, the holyspirit will whisper forgive at all cost meanwhile the flesh will say donot forgive. They have to pay for their errors, enough is enough. Beloved, you cannot fully repay evil and even if you try to do so you are just taking God out of the equation. Allow Him react on your behalf. Taking vengeance into your hands is disobedience for the Bible declares that vengeance is of the Lord. Your love for the Father is revealed by your ability to forgive and doing good even to those who hurt you. Flee from malice!

Happy Sunday



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