Creative Writing// Watch your circle//17-11-2023

in Steem Cameroon7 months ago


The most dangerous thing is to keep company with those who are insecured with your wins. These are not the kind of people to keep because they can do anything to bring you down. When you start getting signs of unhappiness when you are making advances, keep a reasonable distance from them for they are not progress oriented. Keep company with those who are comfortable with your progress and long to see you at the top. Staying with those who are insecured with your dreams is indirectly quenching them. This was what made Cain to kill Abel. Value those who are receptive to your wins. Dream killers are real, beware of them!

Whether you like it or not, to every great opened door there are many adversaries. In that beautiful dream that is materializing, don't get so comfortable to the extend of forgetting that all is not on bed of roses. The more you are aiming high, the more adversaries you attract. One thing is sure which is your victory over them all. Certainly, these adversaries cannot stop you for the God who mandated you is greater than them. Take every step with the consciousness that they are roaming seeking how to steal, kill and destroy. The one who gives vision cannot permit the destruction of visioneers. Nothing shall by any means hurt you!

Life is a choice and God has given us the option to choose for ourselves. We must understand that there are dream killers and mid wives who stir you up "pregnancy" to birthing. Our desire to fulfilling our days, should be dominated by choosing the right people. Many destinies have been aborted because of company with dream killers. Everyone you draw into your circle should be with green light from above. What people will say does not matter as per giving priority to whom is due. God first and then midwives for spiritual procreation. You are not meant for mediocrity!

The storms may range but can never last forever. Everything that has a beginning also has an end. Storms are not there to terminate your dreams but to fortify you for the days ahead. Don't allow the storms to quench the fire but rather seek more wood to keep the flames burning in the storms to avoid destruction. Even in the storms lies directions on how to go about the dream inorder to achieve the goals. Though the storms may range, the fiery plots of the enemy shall be swallowed. No one standing right with God can be successfully pulled down. Stay calm and be strong for His plans alone shall stand.


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