Happy New Year My people | The diarygame Sunday 31st December [How I crossed over to 2024]by @newtonb

in Steem Cameroon5 months ago


Hello everyone Happy new year to you all. I’m very happy that we all made it this far by the special grace of God. It has not been easy but God made it possible for us all. Therefore I want to wish you all and your loved ones a very prosperous and productive new year 2024. May the Good Lord who has began with us see us all through in his mercies and grace.

In this post I wil like to be sharing with you how I actually spent my crossover day that’s Sunday the 31st of December which happens to be the last day of the year.

So I woke up that morning feeling so grateful to God for everything and also anticipating with so much excitement to cross over into a brand new year.

So in the morning i was to do some cleaning at home so I went out to carry water to clean the house and other things. After that I came back home did the cleaning and had my breakfast.

After my breakfast I had to rest and then prepare for the crossover service in church.I finally went to church at about 10pm but the church was already full so I had to just be outside with some other people because there was too much population of people waiting to crossover into a new year. It’s always a good thing to cross over in God’s temple and his presence of course.

Photo of the population overflow out the church

The above photo was taken few minutes to 2024. Every shouted with a loud voice with excitement and joy of having being part of this year. Celebrations with shooting stars and fire works was the order of the moment. Candles burn and many shed tears of joy as they celebrate with their loved ones by their side.

It was really a great experience and I remain grateful to God for the gift of the new year.

It’s a new year
It’s a new start
It’s a new opportunity to become better
Make your resolutions and work towards achieving them this year. Let your goals be realistic else they’ll wear you out.

Wish you all a happy new year❤️


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