The dairy game; 31 Dec 2021:3rd day of picnic.

in Best of India2 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians!




Im back with my picnic dairy!
As we stayed at Doodpathri Budgam tonight. What as beautiful place it it. We started our morning at 6:00am in the middle of forest. It was cold morning, birds were chirping on the Kairu trees and the water was rusing under our ears.



We took bath in the open waters of doodpathri nala and came to our tent then started our preparations for breakfast. We made some beautiful tea with the buffloe milk and backed some rotis and bought some from the local gujjar community.

Till than sun rose above our heads and we started our tour towrds upper hills till the lunch. We made barbeques for lunch and fried some chicken and also prepared some rice fr lunch.

After lunch we took some rest and started horse riding in the meadows till the evening. It was a day full of fun.

At the evening we came back to our tent and prepared dinner and got inside the tent early to escape from the wild animals so we also burn some boonfire and warmth our selves near it.Then at around 11 finallu we came inside our tents closed zips and started recaping the ild school memories. See u soon with other episode.






Good night world😍😍😍😍

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