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RE: Reintroducing Myself: The Scary Face Behind The Miniature Smallholding!

@minismallholding I was just about to ask where you've been, as I haven't seeing your presence in a while. Had no doubt you were a woman, surprised people even make the assumption.

I realize we are quite similar in personalities too...even though mine may be a bit extreme

Anyway I just wanted to check up on you


Thank you. :)
It's been a bit crazy of late and I haven't been managing to get onto my feed much, let alone write. I haven't even managed to get into my garden might either. :(
Things should get a bit less busy by next week though.
Good too see you're doing well. Look at your rep! I see you're close to minnow status too.

Great, would be looking out for a few articles by next week

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