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RE: Garden Gab

in #homesteading6 years ago

Sweetness! A new (to me) seed supplier! The weather has been incredible and it looks like your rhubarb has been doing really well. I love the autumn beauty sunflowers, they throw such cool colors. I have them coming up randomly around the farm after having planted them 5 or 6 years ago. They have morphed a bit from crossing with the other sunflowers I have grown since.


Oh I so hope you got to be outside in our glorious weather today! I just finished an excellent game of park and rec league volleyball, was a nice way to end the day! I love how you've got your own blend of sunflowers now, I got my own blend of colored yarrow flowers in much the same way😊 And you sound like me, I totally get excited about seed suppliers too, lol!

The weather has been outstanding! I am out in it everyday, "It's a moral imperitive!" as it's good for my head. I find that I end up with mutts in everything. All my saved seeds are crosses since squash cross, beans cross, cucs, sunflowers, amaranth, etc.

There is just something about a good seed supplier. One that has the good variety, quantities, and prices is enough to make me a bit giddy. We have to be so cautious in this area for the varieties we select, but there are some serious diamonds in the rough. Like Pear melon, it is a football shaped musk melon that is native to the NW. It grows amazing here.

Ha ha ha! I have a whole bin of mutt seeds too! LOL!

Oh man, you are so right about variety selection in our extra special micro-climates. I seriously tend to err on the side of caution and often find myself saying, if it grows in Montana or Minnesota then, lol!

I haven't ever grown Pear melon, but it sounds amazing, I will totally give that a try! I don't know about you, but I am enjoying this good growing rain we got today, got the day off from watering:o)! Hope you are having a great afternoon!

It was silly weather. I was watching it DUMPING on the other side of the valley as the storms moved south, but not a drop on us a mile away. Then it finally gave us a token down pour for a while but I think there might be another bout on the way. These springs storms can be so erratic.
My wife is from North Dakota so i think of there for my "if it'll grow there...".
I have a bunch of pear melon seeds from my champion from the fair if you want.

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