All a matter of Perspective...

in #household6 years ago

I saw a post of a self declared

// Strong
// Powerful
// Independent

Woman on Facebook.

She wrote...


And all her friends were like... "Yeah, you be you" and all the "Don't take people's crap" replies.

The context of her post is lost upon those people.

The reality

The reality of her life is that she

  • does not work.
  • lives at her in-laws rent free.
  • sits on the computer in the lounge everyday doing nothing.

She lives, on her husbands income, under her in-laws roof.

The lead up to the Facebook post

The Father-In-Law asked her to help with something.
I can't recall the exact thing. It was more like "Can you wash your own clothes?" or "Help with the cooking."


So, she ran into "her" room upset.
The son went to the father and said "She's upset. She says that you don't like her."

The Irony

I am all for Independent, Powerful, Young people.

But - don't you have to be "Independent"?


I think I know who you're describing?
A very fragile snowflake, no doubt.

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