Do not forget about your mobile visitors

in #hulu5 years ago

I have just been working on some design questions when it comes to netflix.fromabroad.orgI kind of destroyed the old design by doing some changes to the base code (without making a backup), and therefore, I was forced to make some new changes... so I downloaded a new theme to the site. Now I have been working on the new design for a couple of minutes, and it is always interesting. I know, I need to make even more changes, but so far, so good!

netflix website.jpg

But, one thing so many people forget to consider when they create a website is their mobile visitors. A few years ago, most Wordpress themes weren't even supporting mobile phones, and thus they looked terrible on mobile devices. Today, things are better - but still, many of us totally forget about our mobile visitors.

Not only do we forget about them, but we do not write our articles taking them into consideration. Often when I write instructions on how to watch TV shows and stream TV networks online, I write about how it can be done in Windows, simply because I am using a Windows computer myself. But, what about those using a mobile device?

As I look through the stats of my websites, almost 50% of my visitors use a mobile device. Shouldn't I use more energy at making my websites look perfect to them as well? And shouldn't I write my articles in a way that will make the information I share interesting and helpful to them as well? I guess the answer is yes, even though I am not always so good at it.

How did this get to my mind now?

Well, because I am not really satisfied with the design at at the moment. But, as I visited it with my mobile phone, I liked it much better. In other words, it looks nicer (to me) on a mobile phone compared to the Windows version (high-resolution screen). Luckily, I am not finished working on the design yet, and maybe at this time tomorrow I will choose a totally different design, or maybe I will just do some more modifications to the current design. Time will show.

But, if you have the time, make sure to check my most recent articles which I wrote earlier today. In it, I share my thoughts on the brand new Netflix original TV series named Working Moms. This is a show about moms that fighting to keep their motivation up and returning to their old working places or finding a new job after giving birth to one or more kids. This show is typical for moms at home, but is it good? Check my brand new review right here.

I hope you will like the new design, and if you have a comment or just want to share your thoughts, write a comment beneath.

By the way, I just watched another movie earlier today - I Can Only Imagine. It just got to Hulu, and I have got to say that it was an interesting movie that brought tears to my eyes a couple of times. Maybe I will write more about it later sometime, but I can not guarantee anything.

Back to the point

Do not forget about your mobile visitors if you have a website. More and more people surf the net using their mobilephones on the way to their job, sitting at the toilet, or maybe while watching the commercials in front of their TV every evening. But, will they find the answers they need and a design making the information easily accessible? These are important questions to ask yourself if you want to have success in the Internet world in as of 2019!


This post has received a 9.53 % upvote from @boomerang.

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