Steemit Bot Goals #3- IncinBot

in #incinbot6 years ago

After 21 days of , here is where we stand with our initial goals!

Reach Reputation 50

This is a cool goal that we totally believe can be possible within the next 3-4 weeks. We are currently at 46.248, so we only need to go up 3.752 rep. This not only looks better, but it also allows our bot to be a more legitimite bot in the eyes of the user.


We are now currently at 48.025 which is a solid gain from the last update 9 days ago at 46.248. That means we are only 1.975 reputation away from hitting our goal!

Reach 50 SP (non delegated/leased)

This is also a pretty easy but also super fun goal to have. The more personal sp I have, the less I have to spend on leases, so gaining sp is very important. However, powering up 10+ steem at a time I just not my thing, which is why I have begun to start the SP Power up Experiment. Today I powered up an additional .04 steem, so that brings our total to .1 steem powered by up! With author rewards daily as well, I think we can hit 50 sp within the next 2 weeks (currently at 28.293 Sp).


We are now at 47.16 SP, meaning we only have 2.84 sp to go! This’ll be done within Sunday for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit it by Thursday.

Increase Author Rewards

We have already joined multiple bots, and have now reached over a $1 upvote! Now I have to reset this goal to getting a $1.5 upvote, so this will be fun to reach. I don’t like bidbots due to the effort I need to put in to get an upvote, so I’m hoping I can find 1-2 more monthly upvote bots. This will also help my 50 sp goal, as the higher my author reward is, the more sp I get.


We have now subscribed to another bot, @moonbot! This increases our total by $.1 per post, so we are making good moves! Hopefully with 1 more bot we will hit $1.5!

Increase SP Total to 5,000

This is a more of a wish than a goal, but having 5,000 sp would be quite amazing. This will allow us to increase our pool size and again increase our author rewards as we upvote ourselves at 100%.


We are now at 3850 sp, as unfortunately we couldn’t get a delegation big enough by master-delegator. However we are still not losing any VP so it is not a huge must for us, but we still will look towards getting it!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.29
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 62934.09
ETH 3118.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.85