Arrived at the Bride's House

in #india6 years ago


As Indians we have a lot of Traditional Activities involved with our Marriage Ceremonies. To be Frank I don't even know 25% of all the Rituals.


At the moment we are at the Girls House where the Wedding is to take Place. We have about an Hour of Time before the Auspicious Time arrives and the Marriage begins.


This is like the Marriage Altar where the Marriage will take place.


And in this Frame is my Brother all worried about the Marriage.


Will Update Posts later after the Marriage is over.


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Your rites are beautiful
I wish your brother, happy marriage

Flowers and marriage relashion is like a between fish and net relashion.

So now a days you are busy with your brother's marriage ceremony.
Very best of luck for your Brother's new life.

The wedding ceremonies in our country are always luxurious and full of entertainment. I got married recently. Everyone enjoyed those moments. But after marriage we all get tired.

I hate those videographers who shove their high powered flash lights on our face(just see the last photo, thats exactly what I meant!). They do the same while we have lunch/dinner, so close up that the video can be served as proof of what and how much we ate. Ha ha..

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