in #indonesia6 years ago

Berkesenian juga membutuhkan kesabaran, niat, dan keikhlasan. Saya sudah berkesenian sejak tahun 2003. Sudah banyak bidang yang saya geluti dengan penuh konsistensi. Saya mulai menulis sejak tahun pertama berkesenian hingga saat ini. Tahun 2005 saya aktif di musikalisasi puisi hingga kini. Tahun 2005-2009 saya aktif menggeluti kesenian musik dan tari tradisi aceh di komunitas seni selain saya juga aktif menggeluti seni tarik suara atau vokal dan aktif di sebuah grup musik (Band) pada rentang tahun tersebut. Pada tahun 2007-2010 saya ikut mendirikan dan aktif di sanggar Kampus Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, saya dipercaya sebagai Kepala Bidang Musik Tradisi masa itu, dan di tahun ini pula saya aktif di Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) yang bergerak di bidang Penanggulangan Narkoba dan Pendidikan untuk anak-anak korban tsunami. Tahun 2011-2013 saya mulai fokus untuk menyuarakan gerakan menulis dan membaca karya sastra dengan kawan-kawan Komunitas Sastra Lazuardi (KSL), dan terakhir mulai tahun 2013 sampai saat ini saya fokus pada Seni Peran atau Teater.

Masa saya berkesenian, banyak teman-teman yang pelaku seni bergiat benar-benar ingin mengembangkan, mempertahankan, dan serius untuk kesenian tradisi di Aceh. Mau dibuat jadwal latihan siang-malam pun setiap hari, mereka akan datang. Karena berkesenian membutuhkan jiwa dan keikhlasan. Pernah saya dan teman-teman berlatih tarian Rapa'i Geleng siang dan malam. Itu kami lakukan setiap hari kecuali hari kamis selama 8 bulan! Tidak ada satu orang pun dari kami yang keluar dari garapan tari. Malah kami saling menyemangati satu sama lain. Saat itu, kami hanya tak ingin membuang waktu dan tenaga kami untuk hal yang tak penting selain menjaga adat dan tradisi kami. Itu bukanlah tuntutan, namun setiap dari kami memiliki tanggung jawab untuk itu.

Beda dengan sekarang. Mungkin anak-anak muda sekarang berkesenian karena tuntutan atau karena ingin dikenal. Bagi mereka mungkin berkesenian bukan menjadi beban moral dan mental tapi lebih kepada ajang mencari popularitas. Saya berani berkata seperti ini karena sering melihat realita yang terjadi. Saat ditanya apa makna dari setiap gerakan tari yang ia ikuti, satupun mereka tak tahu,apa itu gerakan Laweut? Apa itu gerakan Samaniah? Apa makna yang terkandung dalam tarian Ranub? Apa-apa saja alat musik tradisi Aceh? dan lain sebagainya. Tetapi, kalau ditanya untuk apa menari jawabannya kompak, ingin melestarikan tradisi Aceh! Latihan pun sering bolos dan malas-malasan, apanya yang melestarikan?!

Sungguh jauh perbedaannya. Dalam berteater juga mengalami hal yang sama. Seperti 'panas-panas tahi ayam'. Latihan malas, kalau datang sibuk ketawa-ketiwi dulu, ada yang sibuk pacaran, ada yang sibuk urus negara, ragam macam lah. Dikasih penegasan, besoknya sudah gak mau datang latihan lagi. Alasannya sama, 'Gak suka lagi latihan, banyak kali aturannya!'.

Berarti berkesenian bukan karena jiwa. Tapi karena ingin keren saja. []



Art also requires patience, intention, and sincerity. I have been in art since 2003. There are many areas that I am in full consistency. I started writing since the first year of art to date. In 2005 I was active in musical poetry until now. In the year 2005-2009 I actively wrestle the art of music and dance aceh tradition in the arts community in addition I also actively wrestle the art of drag or vocal and active in a band (Band) in the span of the year. In 2007-2010 I co-founded and active in Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic State College, I was trusted as Head of Traditional Music Division at that time, and in this year I also active in Non Governmental Organization (NGO) which is engaged in the field of Drug and Education Response to children of tsunami victims. In 2011-2013 I began to focus on voicing the literary movement and reading literature with my friends Literary Society Blue (KSL), and lastly from 2013 until now I focus on Art Role or Theater.

In my time of art, many of my friends who are art actors really want to develop, maintain, and seriously for the arts tradition in Aceh. Want to make daily-night exercise schedule every day, they will come. Because art requires soul and sincerity. Once me and my friends practiced Rapa'i Geleng dance day and night. We do it every day except Thursday for 8 months! No one of us is out of the dance. Instead we encourage each other. At that time, we just did not want to waste our time and energy on non-essential things besides keeping our customs and traditions. It's not a demand, but every one of us has a responsibility for it.

Different with now. Maybe young people are now making art because of demands or because they want to be known. For them art might not be a moral and mental burden but rather a show for popularity. I dare say this because I often see the reality that happened. When asked what the meaning of each dance movement that he followed, none of them know, what is the 'Laweut* movement? What is Samaniah movement? What is the meaning of Ranub dance? What are the traditional instruments of Aceh? and so forth. However, if asked for what dance the answer is compact, want to preserve the tradition of Aceh! Exercise was often skip and lazy, what's preserving ?!

What a difference. In the theater also experience the same thing. Like 'hot chicken dung'. Exercise lazy, when it comes busy ketawa-ketiwi first, there are busy dating, there are busy dealing with the country, a variety of kinds. Affirmation given, tomorrow is not willing to come practice again. The reason is the same, 'No more exercise, many times the rules!'.

It means art is not because of the soul. But want to be cool. []


don't get frustration because of that reality. that's the fact we can't refused. why? learning a traditional art really need something more than "talent" but something you've called it soul.
I think, the Teachers, Lecturers or even The Mentors and Artists need to figure out how to attract more youth to put their affection on traditional art. we can't attract them with bunch of dollars on Steemit, but we can remind them that if there's nobody cares about our cultural inheritage, who will?
do you think, Puasa also make them more lazy then before?

Do not worry, I am not stressed with this kind of problem. But what you say is true, that the related institutions and teachers also bear this moral burden. They and other artists must have a way of getting children now to love their customs and traditions through art.

and you know what, I am featured one of your post to a curation contest :D and i came from Lhokseumawe too though I residing in Pamulang, Tangsel, now.

Contest? What contest? Oh no, my writing is not good for the contest. I still have a lot to learn.

Oh, yes if it is the same from Aceh, what if we do not use English :)

hey, you can join my contest if you want to, here is the link..
it's in Acehnese Language indeed.

Hello bg pimen, ada disini juga rupanya. Gmna kbar bg?

Eh, Slash kok
Alhamdulillah Slash
Kemarin kan kecelakaan
Ini dah agak baikan lukanya
Udah dibawa pulang kerumah.

Slash apa kabar? Sehat?

Iya bg aku dah lama disini. Syukurlah bg klo udah baikan. Aku juga sehat bg.

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