It and there. Sometimes it is funny, sometimes it is not!

It happens to the best of us.png


I refreshed my Replies page. As it returned to showing me how many followers I have, I was shown that I have a Rep of 25. I captured the screen and refreshed again. While it was showing me No Followers, it gave me a Rep of 66 - but soon as it returned to normal, showing me the number of Followers, I ended up as a Rep of 25.

Maybe it only happens to the best of us on Steemit

I know it is just a glitch and will disappear. It does not bother me, but it is useful for illustrating some of thoughts I've had these couple of days.

As some of you may know, recently Firefox acted up - it blocked ALL security apps. Eight to ten hours later, they announced it was a mistake and they are working to fix it over the next 12 hours.


This 'error' just happens to occur at the same time Google, You Tube, FaceBook and so on decide to censor us en masse.

Why do I see a link between a supposedly innocent mistake and evil control over our rights to Free Speech by the Big Tech?

First of all, let us dispel that story Firefox tells us, about them being free and trying to help us save our Free Speech rights. A long time ago, Firefox were invited by Google to their Summer programming camp...and they returned with over $30 million in cash from Google - but 'there were no strings attached', we are told (this info only became public because Firefox did not declare the "grant" and they were taken to court by Inland Revenue).

I would say $30 million (in todays money value, worth what...maybe closer to $100 to $150 million?) buys a lot of loyalty and bowing to their wishes.

From the way Firefox gives priority to Google as a search engine indicates they are not as independent as they like to pretend they are....but with their Big Tech brothers now wanting to BAN all Conservative or anti-globalists, just at the time they need to get the names of those who post against them on independent platforms like Steem and Gab (among others), suddenly all our security is taken from us?

To me, this indicates the rumours about Firefox agreeing to block those Microsoft and the other Big Tech friends of theirs, plus the MSM (CNN, MSNBC and so on) consider Fake News (in other words, all Non-MSM outlets), is sounding more and more true.

I personally got rid of Firefox and am now using MyPal. It is very similar to Firefox, but simpler and, I think, faster. Why not check it out...and remember, all the fancy bells and whistles are not really needed and only are another way of opening your computer to their spying


I just saw another post, mentioning how Firefox exposed others who are on Tor. Interesting and worth a read

Interesting coincidences... maybe. Maybe not. Worth to think about that's for sure!


I never new if Mypal before I will check it out thanks.

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