Steemit "google powered" is Contrary to privacy and no censorship

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I opened the door turned on the light saw

Google & News Industry Fight Independent News; US Gov't Handed Over Our Privacy to Foreign Nations

Video Credit: Never Lose Truth

These pics come from problems I ran into using steemit google search. In this post I detail it because the post was already online and I added details of nothing in search results into post. No biggie the post, just survivalist truther and his family MIA. Truthers dgaf.

Surviving And Living Alone In Reality via Tom Lupshu Bunker Report WHERE ARE TOM & Jessica should be the title — Steemit

I never got all I was looking for, it was "shadowboxed" per say. Which is what evil GOOGLE does. Don't come and try and convince me what I saw and exprienced didn't happen. There should have been 2 results within steemit posts at very least.



I FINALLY GET ONE RESULT BY CHANGING MY NAME FROM @clairefelicite to Claire Felicite ain't that some weird AI glitch?


What does this and tampered view counts mean? YOU ARE NOT PRIVATE OR UNTRACKABLE on steemit by the very organisations many wanted a platform to get away from. Think Bitcoin: if them you too. It also means your cryptocurrency gains can be tampered with by "shadowboxed" on searches see above for proof.

In fact I have 0 gains for sharing others work and I cannot figure out why that abruptly stopped. Call me stupid but something is not adding up and needs to be addressed asap.

As far as cryptocurrency taking over the curation and topics we look for online: are AI & Bots just tagging every subject than lifting itself to top? I ran a search on youtube for solar anomalies: I got a video on it and all the rest where crypto videos that used solar tag. In the land and time of disinfo not even having access should wake people up. Think. HASHTAGS AND BOTS ARE CURATING CONTENT ALL OVER THE INTERNET. Using cryptocurrency as excuse/cover? There are theories. Tread lightly...

And a note about content on dtube; anything earth changes that was there seems to be literally gone. Shows in results yet their channel no longer has videos. Example:



Its odd that in 2018 videos on real earth changes are just not there. On youtube or anywhere else in search results. Just saying. Learning about current state of food air and water etc is important; survival of the hunger games will not happen because you knew how to make a video, write or own cryptocurrency.

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