John "Insane" McCain has a terrible sickness in his brain, and other mental journeys. [WARNING: Harsh]

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

There are a lot of people suddenly rushing to the aid of Senator from Arizona John "Insane" McCain a RINO from the Republican Party who has also been a presidential candidate.

He has brain cancer.

Some people that hated the man are suddenly loving him as long as he opposes Trump and they are rushing to the defense of the man and lambasting those that would say bad things about his death.

They act like saying bad things about a despicable person simply due to the fact they are dying is crossing the line.

Yet, they are fine endorsing beheading skits of the sitting president, assassination of the president art as murals in school, Broadway plays depicting the assassination of the sitting president, saying it is okay people were shot at or shot because they were republicans, etc.

This is the insanity of the endless assault on Trump. McCain is just the latest straw man that can be held up to stress the identity politics and victim status.

Let's think about this.

What is McCain's claim to fame?

He was captured in Vietnam and tortured. It is alleged he said and did what his captors wanted which is why so many Vietnam vets refer to him by the nickname "songbird".

He sang. That at least is the claim of those that despise him.

Yet, he is a good example of this plague of victimhood that is rotting the minds of the people not just in the U.S. but around the world.

Somehow, because he was captured and tortured he is often called a "hero".

Yet there is no evidence I have ever found that he actually did anything heroic.

I like to have some fun with this fantasy land "logic".

It appears you can take a person, capture them, torture them, and then you magically have a saint, or a hero.

Why are we not torturing the despicable people in prisons? It seems like if we can turn those people into saints and heroes by capturing an torturing them that we could greatly reduce their prison time, while also producing super human avatars that can lead us all when they are released.

Reality kicks us between the legs. "Wake up!"

Torture does not magically make someone good. It does not magically turn them into a hero.

Yet this is what is used to prop up a huge part of John McCain's career.

He is actually a major war monger. The only time he has been happy with Trump and almost dancing was when Trump ordered the missile strike on the airfield in Syria last year after the first false flag gas attack. He wasn't alone that is also when nut jobs career politicians Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters were almost dancing too. They were all finally happy. We attacked someone they wanted us to attack.

Wait a minute isn't John McCain a Republican?

In name only. Thus, the RINO label. Republican In Name Only. Yet he isn't alone. Are Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters really Democrats? These days perhaps yes as that party has been completely overrun and has no idea what it actually stands for. In reality Nancy, John, and Maxine fit another label far better.

That label is ESTABLISHMENT.

They have all been in the Senate or Congress for over three decades. Think about that. The longest a president can serve is two terms of four years each. That is eight years. Yet those three (and they are not the only ones) have been in office pulling the strings, courting lobbyists, and fattening their own pockets for over 30 years...

So those of you that love these guys and claim to be the "resistance", or the anti-fascists.

What exactly are you resisting?

Are you resisting the chance to overthrow the establishment, the status quo, and those that have in truth been calling the shots longer than any president?

Or are you calling yourself the "resistance" and all you are really doing is resisting opening your eyes, and mind?

You are dancing to the tune of the establishment. You are resisting bravery. You are resisting asking questions that might make you uncomfortable to ask.

You act on behalf of those who persist regardless of president. In fact, many of you were already bashing the president on the behalf of the establishment before he was even president.

Then a year after the election you screamed at the sky like a sudden daycare event where all the children in adult bodies go mad and throw a tantrum.

Perhaps that also explains why they dance to the "don't bash John McCain" tune. They have you trained to look at a way you can view every single encounter from the perspective of the victim. How can you spin it so that you or someone else is being attacked?

You don't actually need to think about what people are saying and consider it. All you need to do is ignore them, and perhaps chant something repetitive until you hear some buzzword that you've been trained to react to. The context of how that buzzword was used is irrelevant to you, as you were not actually paying attention, you were just looking for some buzzword that is a launching pad for some of your trained retorts.

Context matters, but that doesn't matter to you. All that matters is you can mentally pat yourself on the back, and high five, and virtue signal about how you smashed down that fascist, racist, mysoginist, homophobe, sis gender, islamophobe, republican, white, black, red, green, big nosed person. Wow. You reacted to a buzzword.

While you are mentally congratulating yourself, and perhaps engaging in some new round of mindless chanting you are oblivious to how foolish you look to those that were actually listening and thinking as opposed to waiting for some buzzword like a silly NPC bot.

You may be congratulating yourself and thinking you made some people think. You likely did. You likely made some people that might have listened to you if you actually took the time to think and not regurgitate decide you are a fool.

There is good news. We all can be fools. We don't have to keep being fools.

Begin harsh language.

Fuck micro-aggression terminology it is trash.
Fuck safe spaces.
Fuck mandated speech.
Fuck fear of hate speech.
Fuck meaningless monkey like chanting.
Fuck gender studies.
Fuck political correctness.
Fuck identity politics.
Fuck post modernism.
Fuck degrees if they are worth less than the toilet paper you wipe your ass with.
Fuck fear of offending people.
Fuck speculation treated as fact.
Fuck feelings treated as fact.
Fuck opinions treated as fact.
Fuck giving up your freedom for safety.
Fuck blaming tools for the problems of the tool user.

If you are offended, fuck you.

End harsh language. :)

If you can take all that and shrug it off. There is hope. Freedom is a must. Freedom can be uncomfortable. Freedom comes with risks. Yet if you are not free, what are you? A slave?

To some of us John McCain has had brain cancer for a very long time. The only thing that is changing is that it is now killing him.

All images are clickable and lead to original source.


We have a rule that once your brain is no longer functioning or has been removed, that you may be removed from office. I can think of 2 people who openly have a malfunctioning mind that voted in the health care debacle. Why don't we call them out?

I figured out a while ago that even though I may be in the world, I am not a part of the world. That type of mindset helps you from becoming triggered by the current silliness going on.

Just die already.....fuck!

Patriot approves of this rant!


Mcain doesn't have cancer - He is cancer.

Excellent post. I've often wondered how/why McCain claimed to be republic. We have some many far liberal people/groups who cry out for social acceptance of everyone and everything, yet they are the exact ones who are screaming out the loudest against anyone who has a view not matching theirs.

IMO McCain should be tried for treason. He has done nothing to support the good of our Nation.

Resteeming this, because free speech

I like the way you write. You put forth a lot of information and ideas, yet you do it in a way that can be digested by a large audience. Well done! :)

I have to congratulate you on an exemplary rant!

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