
So which fact in the article was wrong? Let's look at the first one:

Tesla invented polyphase AC power, or some say AC power in general: FALSE.

First there was a hand-cranked AC generator developed by Hippolyte Pixii in 1832. Single phase AC power was being used more in Europe by many inventors in the early 1880s. As early as the late 1870's Germany had developed a crude 2 phase AC generator. Galileo Ferraris, a scientist in Italy started talking openly about polyphase AC in 1885, one year later Tesla approached investors with his version of an AC system but did not succeed in generating interest. Ferraris also inspired Thomson at Thomson-Houston and engineers at Westinghouse to investigate the system however there was little confidence among investors in AC power at the time.

From a world perspective there were many people working on AC systems over the next few years. August Haselwander and C.S. Bradley(a former Edison employee) created the first 3 phase AC generators(1887). Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky built the first full 3 phase AC generation and distribution system in the 1888-1891 period. Tesla to his credit was able to inspire Westinghouse to jump into AC, but very quickly Tesla's two-phase system was made obsolete by three phase systems which could more efficiently send power farther. The fact is that like today there are many people working on cutting edge technology and if Tesla had not gotten Westinghouse's attention in 1888, Westinghouse would have bought patents from others. Thomson was close to innovation on the AC system as well, and the world would be no different without Tesla, it may have just taken another year for polyphase to get adopted by Westinghouse or Elihu Thomson's company.


at least a flat earther does not help damage the planet, so it is not a reference either.

my blog is not for corporate SHILLS... and ATHEISTS... like you

So, you can't dispute that fact that Tesla did not invent polyphase AC power..

Let's look at the next one:
Tesla invented the transformer: FALSE.

The Ganz company in Budapest was the first to create and use transformers in AC systems in the late 1870s. Tesla was still in school then and hadn't even began his first job in the field of telephony. His first job was in Budapest in 1880, this is where he possibly observed/stole ideas, and was convinced by the Hungarians that AC was viable and worth pursuing while the West was still 5 years behind.

William Stanley invented the first modern transformer in 1885. His design was based on the Gaulard and Gibbs design. Gaulard had used his transformer in the 1884 Lanzo to Turin AC power demonstration. Also credit goes to the Z.B.D Transformer in Hungary The Z.B.D. Transformer proved to be extremely inefficient and problematic so Stanley designed his own. This is backed up by information at the Smithsonian and IEEE. The Edison Tech Center has published a lot of material on William Stanley sourcing from the Great Barrington Historical Society, the Berkshire Museum and historian Tom Blalock. It was in 1885 that Tesla actually joined the minority of inventors working with AC in trying to pitch his system. There is no proof that Tesla had any mature AC systems designed and ready before then. (Tesla claims to have envisioned his own full AC system in 1882 but there are no written documents of any kind to prove this)

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