Legal Action Fighting Against Censorship

A civil liberties organization recently filed suite against the University of Michigan. The trouble started over a U of Michigan creating and using something called a Bias Response Team.

The Bias Response Team goes on to specifically identify what they consider a bias incident."A bias incident is conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age or religion)." - University of Michigan Bias Response Team. Based on this definition, anyone could claim offense to just about anything for it to rate as a "bias incident".

Above the definition of what constitutes a "bias incident" the BRT, (Bias Response Team), has placed a "Report Online" button. So beyond the sketchy parameters for getting in big trouble for hardly even trying, they feel you might want to start your report before knowing what exactly constitutes a bias incident. Go ahead! Fill it out! Maybe you do not like the new Star Wars and some jackass was wearing some swag you didn't like. Call the BRT! You might have something for them to do.

It seems anyone can fill out a complaint. You can simply pick "other" in the drop down box on the BRT "bias incident" report form. And while I did not proceed and fill it all out, what I think this means is that anyone, anywhere can fill one of these out.

Speech First is the organization that is calling the BRT a regime and essentially accuses them of disallowing their constitutional right of free speech on campus.

Kennesaw State University was recently sued by Alliance Defending Freedom representing a Christian group on campus and their free speech being limited to "free speech zones".

So what this all means is that while we have taken steps to ensure free speech will continue unabated with the Steem blockchain, real world issues of free speech still need to be addressed. Are organizations such as University of Michigan's BRT the model for a anti free speech national police? In the spirit of expression and building one's character through love and tolerance, how can silencing someone ever be a good idea?


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